Somalilandsun- Since 2012, 113,000 migrants have moved to Ohio. Such votes may change US politics
Columbus, the Ohion state capital, is home to about 50,000 people of Somali descent as well as large and relatively affluent Arab, Nepali and Indian communities. And it is here where the migrant vote might prove very important in this year’s midterm elections.
While the migrant vote is targeted by both the republic and democratic parties most Somali -Americans tend to align with the Dems from whose platform in her adapted hometown of Minnesota, Ilhan Omar , a hijab wearing Somali-American politician is expected to be elected to the US Congress, becoming the joint-first Muslim woman to do so.
Ilhan Omar made history when she became the first top Somali-American politician elected to become the state representative in District 60B in southeast Minneapolis

Her assured victory in the 2018 midterm elections including the voices of among others like another Somalia- American Ismail Mohamed of Ohio, reflects immigrants’ growing influence in the political sphere.
For Ismail Mohamed’s life could have turned out very differently. Born in 1992, when civil war raged across Somalia, his family and he were forced to live in a refugee camp before securing visas to immigrate to the US in 1997.
Today, Mohamed is a budding politician who’s caught the eye of the Ohio Democratic Partyestablishment, surprising party leaders and not least himself. The 26-year-old lawyer lost the Democrats’ nomination for Ohio’s 25th house district to the incumbent by just 658 votes in May.

Continue Reading Somali lawyer urges voters to show ‘we are a nation of immigrants’
Somalis play a major in American but is not to undermined by Arab politics as process to fuel racial stigma it was the Somalis than when into Greek and Egyptian areas where they found something called religion to place their spirit and hopes for a time and created the prophets that people worship in the morning and evening for a time where racial ideology is not new a process to protect themselves from bigger people of people with more sprit