Somaliland:Hargeisa Water Agency Supply Free Water to Dhami Residents


Somalilandsun: Hargeisa Water Agency Supply Free Water to Dhami Residents

The Managing Director of Hargeisa Water Agency Mr.Mohamed Ali Darood has implemented the first free water supply at Dhami area. The water utility company has constructed three sub stations in Dhami area to supply free water to the inhabitants. Dhami area is mostly inhabited by the down trodden in the society.

The water project was implemented by Hargeisa Water Agency in-conjunction with the University of Hargeisa. This project, of supplying free water to poor people, is the first of its kind in Somaliland.

Speaking during the launch of the free water supply project the MD of Hargeisa Water Agency and the Vice Chancellor of Hargeisa University Mr.Mohamud Yusuf and traditional elder King Iman concurred the importance of assisting the less disadvantaged in the society access water.

Address the gathering King Iman said “As a leader of this community, I’m grateful for this benevolent gesture to supply free water to these poor families. I have to commend the MD and the Vice Chancellor of Hargeisa University. They did a study of the area and came up with this great idea, to construct three water sub stations to supply Dhami people with clean water.”

A spokesman for Gacan-libaax district thanked the Vice Chancellor of Hargeisa University for building the three sub stations.

Hargeisa University Don revealed that the institution does not only teach but also do research on various issues bedevilling the society.

Managing Director of Hargeisa Water Agency confirmed his agency will continue to deliver its mandate to the public.

He stated “Hargeisa University funded this water project, I want to take this opportunity to thank the varsity especially its conflict resolution department which was instrumental in the implementation of this development program.”

The MD revealed that his agency is almost completing Hargeisa water installation and distribution exercise which will help all city environs receive water supply.

By: Guled Abdi Mahir