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Somaliland: President Silanyo an Informed Public is the Way Forward


"Accurate Eng Hussein DeyrPublic Information and regular contacts with your people is the way forward"

"What people hear directly from their President represents the main and the most credible source of information and has the highest news value."

By: |Eng. Hussein Adan Igeh| (Hussein Deyr)

Mr. President: Your Government’s Achievements also belong to Somaliland people; they must therefore be...


By: | Eng. Hussein Adan Igeh| (Hussein Deyr)

You're Excellency Mr. President,

Getting the public on your side is the highest prize!

Somaliland: President Nothing is Wrong with Defending Your Government’s Achievements in Public!


By: Eng. Hussein Adan Igeh"Hussein Deyr"Eng Hussein Deyr

Somalilandsun - Your Excellency Mr. President, in spite of your wisdom, honesty and unrelenting nature, the help, support and an actively involvement of the country's citizens are vital.

Dr. Mohamed Abdilahi Omar: A competent and talented Foreign Affairs Minister


By : Eng. Hussein Adan Igeh "Deyr"Dr M. A. Omar Commerce   Foreign Investment minister

Somalilandsun - After three years of an exhausting schedule of crossing the world selling Somaliland's foreign policy, Dr. Mohamed Abdillahi Omar had in no way lost the energy, ability and determination to stick around his duty from the day one! He was resolutely determined to remain actively involved to all major diplomatic fronts without any compromise upon the sovereignty and integrity of Somaliland Republic.

Somaliland: The future leaders are coming! Thanks President Ahmed Silaanyo who is a True...


By: Eng. Hussein Adan Igeh (Hussein Deyr)[UK]

Somalilandsun - Young men in their early thirties occupying high public offices in Somaliland!?? It was unthinkable and unheard phenomenon in our society. It was not the tradition of the Somaliland's old political elite to provide the young people a real opportunity to get involved in the political and social decision-making process of their own country.

Turkey: An emerging key Player in World Geo-political Affairs.


By: Eng. Hussein Adan Igeh (Hussein Deyr)(UK)

Somalilandsun - According to the Turkish leaders, the recent unrest and civil disobedience in Turkey should be regarded as a Western conspiracy plot to undermine the ever growing Turkish influence and contribution to the economic and political affairs in the Muslim world as well as its emerging market expansion.

Somaliland: The Uniqueness of Being a Lander


There is something special about being Somalilanders; we ought to fight for what we believe in!

By: Eng. Hussein Adan Igeh |Hussein Deyr

I believe there is something special about being Somalilanders! The spirit of Somalilanders and social togetherness, the capacity for common and shared destiny that allows us to pull together in times of challenge and times of adversity is something special!

Somaliland: An Inspiring, Impressive and Influential Foreign Policy


By Eng. Hussein Adan Igeh

Somalilandsun - How often have we heard of so many baseless and unsubstantiated accusations towardSomalias Interior minister A Gulleid and Somalialnds foreign minister Dr M A Omar sign the Ankara Accordss the Somaliland's Minister of Foreign Affairs, regarding the state of affairs of the Minister's policy and desirability of the track of the foreign policy that he carried out? If the Minister's attempt to reshape and revitalize Somaliland's Foreign Policies were at all wrong and controversial, how come that Somaliland has achieved so many successes in the field of foreign policy and international relations?

Somaliland: The Current Government Deserves Our Cooperation Rather Than Counteraction!


Eng. Hussein DeyrBy:Eng.Hussein Deyr

Somalilandsun - Beginning of this year (2013) when the U.S.A has recognized the beleaguered and rudderless government of Somalia, in all social layers and on each end of the political spectrum in the Somaliland Republic there has been an unnecessary worrisome and public hysteria created, activated and directed by some unbalanced and politically immature Somaliland politicians.

Somaliland: President Silanyo, A Nation Builder Driven by Fairness, Compassion and Devotion to Duty.


President Silanyo custodian of the nation"He is the custodian of our nation who gives a Voice to a Voiceless Nation"

By |Eng. Hussein Adan Igeh |Hussein Deyr |UK|

The Somaliland Republic is headed by a democratically elected President. The Somaliland people had given the President the political capital and the governmental instrument to do things better.

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