The African Opening in Turkish Foreign Policy

Turkey’s “present” strategy in Africa is centred on the accusations of former western colonial powers, as Turkish diplomats and journalists are constantly talking about the evils of French, German, Belgian and British colonialists.

This article The African Opening in Turkish Foreign Policy explores Turkey’s recent political and economic engagement in the African continent.
While Turkey traditionally pays special attention to its relations with the West and its immediate neighborhood like Middle East, Balkans, the Caucasus and Central Asia, Africa has become center of new Turkish attention. It is still considered secondary to its foreign policy priorities and to the growing commercial interests; however, Africa continues to garner more space in Turkey’s new multifaceted foreign policy, and becomes especially
crucial for the growth of its small to medium sized firms that had sustained the rise of
new Anatolian conservative bourgeoisie.

Yet, the instruments of Turkish foreign policy discourses and grand narratives proved to be inadequate,even incompatible in some instances, in Africa.
Therefore, foreign policy elite tries to remedy the situation by employing new narratives.

african countries with turkey relations

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