Somaliland:Parliament Adjourns Due to Lack of Quorum Speaker Sends Warning Notice for Salary Deduction to MPs


Somalilandsun: Parliament Adjourns Due to Lack of Quorum Speaker Sends Warning Notice for Salary Deduction to MPs

The deputy speaker of parliament has warned absentee members of parliament that their salaries will be deducted for none-representation of their constituencies.

According to information from parliament, during today’s session, the house was forced to adjourn due to lack of quorum.

The secretary of parliament Mr.Saeed Ayanle informed deputy speaker that some members were absent without permission.

This forced the deputy speaker to referred their names to the executive disciplinary committee for enforcement of salary deduction and disciplinary measures.

The speaker commended 12 members of parliament who were on a peace mission on the eastern regions of the country.

Secretary Saeed Ayanle also confirmed that 15 members were absent with permission.

Legislators absent without permission are Hon.Hassan Omar Hassan (Hassan Ogaal) and Hon.Hassan Suleiman Laabsalah.

The deputy speaker revealed the parliamentary disciplinary bill will soon passed into law.

He confirmed that the legislators will be sent a three day notice to present themselves in the house if they do not come their salaries will be deducted and added to parliamentary health fund.

By: Guled Abdi Mahir