Somaliland: The imperatives of Student Counselling-Report


Somalilandsun- All the privates’ school in Hargeisa should have a counselling department and good rules and regulations regarding disciplined to our children. How school fees is considered discipline should also be given a front row in the schools.
This is according to a report of JUNE 30, 2018 by AMINA NASRA SULEIMAN in which she also stresses on the fact that “The guidance and counselling of students is an integral component of the educational mission of the school. This is because Guidance and counselling services and programs promote the personal/social, educational, and career development of all students.

The author Amina Nasra Suleiman is a qualified nurse as well as a registered counselor and motivational speaker. Contact

To Read the full report in PDF below first click the doc and use the up and down arrows on the left top or below



  1. Woow! Congrats swthrt.You doing some great things sissy and m proud of you.Have always knew that you can make adifrence and I also know that helping people is in you.Keep going and as you know have always got your back..Good work Naas.
    M SOO lucky to have you as my blood sister 😘

  2. Woow congrats swthrt.M proud of you and av always knew you can make adifrence.
    Helping people is in you I know that and m sure this is jst the beggining and jst know that I got your back like always,good work sweet siz…
    M realy lucky to have you as my blood sister NAS😘.

  3. It’s pretty amazing being a woman, you have all of the essentials for life within you. You’re a very nurturing force, and not only have the power to create life, we support you Amina Nasra