Hear about the conjoined twins that your contributions helped
Somalilandsun-I would like to thank you for your previous gift. Your generous donation allowed us to train new groups of midwifery students, expand our training programs in Somaliland, and serve more women and children in need.
The midwives we train typically assist with 150-200 births per year once they graduate, while some may deliver as many as 400 babies a year. Their impact is significant in my country where currently only 10% of births are attended by a skilled professional.
Together, we are helping to reduce among the worst maternal and infant mortality rates in the world.
The scarcity of health care in the region was illuminated recently when our team took on a case of conjoined twins. Sacad and Saacid were only 6 weeks old when admitted to our hospital when their parents could not pay the daily $20 cost for the continuous oxygen supply that their newborn children required at another hospital.
An ultrasound showed that their hearts are fused, containing 6 chambers in total rather than 4 each. Therefore, a separation operation is very risky and will likely not be possible in Africa. However, the Edna Adan University Hospital plans to do whatever is necessary to provide the best care for the two boys.
This season, will you give the gift of safe motherhood and help provide a healthy start that all infants deserve? Every gift makes a real difference in the lives of people, including Sacad and Saacid.
Thank you for your continued support and please donate
Edna Adan Ismail For more information please visit http://www.ednahospitalfoundation.org/