Somaliland: President Silanyo attends Gelle’s Inaugaration in Djibouti


He will visit UAE in a trip that seeks investments for Berbrea port city
presidents of Somaliland and Djibouti insoect a guard of honour at DJ Airport file picture

By M.A. Egge
Somalilandsun -The President H.E. Ahmed Mohammed Mohamud Silanyo jetted out of the country yesterday afternoon to attend the swearing in ceremony of his Djibouti counterpart President Ismael O. Gelle upon his inauguration for the fourth time after winning an overwhelming majority in a walkover election that just ended late last month.
The President who was ac companied by the First lady Amina Sheik Mohammed Jirde, Kulmiye chairman Musa Bihi Abdi, Health Minister Hon. Suleiman I. A. Hagletosiye, Public Works Minister Hon. Ali Hassan Mohammed, Youth, Sports and Tourism Minister Hon. Abdillahi Farah and the President’s private secretary Mr. Ali Ahmed Ali.
According to a press release by the Presidential Spokesman the Djibouti government had formally invited the President to join him in the swearing in ceremony.
The statement described Djibouti as “SL’s twin country and a neighbor with permanent connections hence their happiness was our happiness”.
The statement further announced the President’s subsequent trip immedietely after this to the United Arab Emirates.
The UAE and SL have in the recent times been stepping up their bilateral relations.
The statement said that the UAE trip was an important one which will have its focus on the national coffers, presicesly the Berbera Port City hence make it a viable one connecting the Horn of Africa to the Arabian Peninsula.
The statement added that the electrical power lighting of Berbera city, its customs division etc are where emphasis will be put hence the creation of labour.
The state is also expecting apprentice skills to be stepped up by the U.A.E. support through training which will induce and instill good governance.
The statement for the first time shed light on the President’s upcoming trip giving details of its concerns and personalities of its entourage.
Apart from the FM Dr. Sa’ad Ali Shire, Presidency minister Hon. M.A. Hashi, Planning minister Hon. Ali Hussein Ismeal and Berbera CEO Eng. Ali Hoor-hoor who are already in Dubai, the President is expected to fly out with Kulmiye chairman Muse Bihi Abdi, Livestock minister Hon. A.M. Dahir Aviation Minister Omar Sh. Mohammed and his private secretary.
The statement said that the President and his entourage are expected to be received by the U.A.E. VP and Premier, Crown Prince Muhammed Bin Rashid Ali Makhtoum, who is also the Dubai Governor.