Somalilandsun- The Somaliland Constitution recites at Article 8.1 that “All citizens of Somaliland shall enjoy equal rights and obligations before the law, and shall not be accorded precedence on grounds of colour, clan, birth, language, gender, property, status, opinion”.
This very principle was among the topics discussed during the “Gender in the Somaliland Coast Guard” workshop organised in Hargeisa by EUCAP in cooperation with NAGAAD, an NGO representing of 46 women’s organizations across the Somaliland, advocating for women’s rights.
Eight Somaliland Coast Guard officers (five women three men) participated in the workshop organised by EUCAP, held on 9 December.
NAGAAD conducted presentations and group work on understanding of gender, gender roles, gender based violence and gender aspects in relation to SLCG.
EUCAP provided a presentation on definition of gender and some legal aspects.
The workshop made reference to the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security affirming that peace and security efforts are more sustainable when women are equal partners in the prevention of violent conflict, the delivery of relief and recovery efforts and in the forging of lasting peace.
The workshop also touched upon the Somaliland Coast Guard Law, stating at Article 23.3 that “the selection process should be based on lack of discrimination and should have gender equality”.
Practical case studies on gender in the Somaliland Coast Guard were included in the training.
“Somaliland needs a ‘critical mass’ of women in its security sector including the Coastal Guards. Let us stand to reduce gender gap in the Security Sector. Security without women is nothing!” said Mrs. Nafisa Yusuf Mohamed, Nagaad Network Executive Director, at the conclusion of the workshop.
As Gender equality is at the very heart of Human Rights it is of notice that the event took place on the eve of Human Rights Day (10 December).