Somaliland: Awdal State Establishes Clan Militia Base in Borame


Sultan Suleiman Ali in overt propagation of an Awdal State in Borame District of Somaliland

By: Yusuf M Hasan
BORAME (Somalilandsun) – The outskirts of Borame are the new home of youth’s intent on joining a clan militia aligned to Awdal State.
According to reporters based in Borame a large number of youths have already joined the militia under recruitment by Sultan Suleiman Ali, the main Gadabursi clan traditional leader.
The proponents of an Awdal state seem to have gained impetus following the unencumbered establishment of a Khatumo state administration with Ali Khalif Galayd in the eastern Sool region of Somaliland.
Just as it was with the Khatumo conference that selected a president and parliamentary heads the government is yet to respond to the now overt anti Somaliland sovereignty activities ongoing in Borame district.
Not to repeat the Galayd saga that saw the Somaliland army evict him from Buhoodle and Taleeh only to besiege him in SaahDheer to no vain, the government should arrest the Sultan in Borame and put him away for sometime if not for ever.
In lieu of this it shall be seen and believed that the central government in Hargeisa is offering tacit approval to the segmentation of Somaliland through the unhampered creation of mini states within the country.