Somalilandsun: The ruling KULMIYE party’s fourth congress, has concluded after three days of deliberations, election of officials and various committee members as well as laying the party’s coming four years manifesto.
Of import on this last day , delegates unanimously approved the number of members of the central committee of 241 (two hundred and forty-one), with 234 members present. while 7 other members were absent.
Most important events of the first day was the election of a five member conference management committee and the delivery of keynote speech by party chairman and Somaliland head of state Muse Bihi Abdi.

Somaliland: 4th Kulmiye Party National Concludes after three Days if Deliberations
On the second day delegates who were to vote for new leader ended up with endorsing the availed line-up since none of the five posts on the block was contented thence Muse Bihi Abdi retained the KULMIYE party chairmanship with the posts of 1st,2nd and 3rd deputy chairpersons retained by interior minister Mohamed Kahin Ahmed , Ahmed Abdi Dheere and Hussein Aden-Adde respectively with the 4th deputy chair going to Mohamud Hassan Sa’ad Saajin who is new to the party leadership and the Minister of Trade, Tourism and Industry.
The congress official brought to culmination by the party chair was also addressed by various dignitaries among them the Vice president and speaker of parliament.
In his address the Vice President of the Republic of Somaliland, Mr. Abdirahman Abdilahi Ismail (Saylici) started by , congratulating the delegates and the KULMIYE community for their hard work during the conference.

The VP. Abdirahman Sayli’i called on the KULMIYE community to compromise and put the party first and foremost, saying, “I say we all have something. It is not up to us all to reach the name and honor of the party whose name we have in common, so people should write as much as they can, and those who are not listed should consider it as written by their brother, sister and friend, and we should compromise. the same grief. The most important thing is for the party to value it. ”
The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Bashe Mohamed Farah, praised the newly elected leadership of the delegation and encouraged party supporters to join hands to ensure the party’s success in the upcoming parliamentary and local elections, and to redouble their enthusiasm. and the known cohesion.

The President of the Republic of Somaliland, and Chairman of the KULMIYE party, Mr. Muse Bihi Abdi, first of all congratulated the organizing committee of the KULMIYE conference, the delegates, the chairman of the conference, the guests who attended the conference and the party in general. the party in the country and abroad.

The President also congratulated and expressed support for the ongoing peace conferences in Shidan, Sanaag region and Adhi-cadeye in Sool region, and urged the elders, intellectuals, elders and all those who have made peace to continue their fruitful efforts. He expressed his government’s full support for the peace talks.
The Somaliland head of state made it clear to the public his commitment to overcoming any electoral obstacles, describing the move by the House of Elders to approve the electoral law as a step closer to the House of Representatives and local elections, he said. “It is good news that the House of Elders has approved the Electoral Law, which will come into force tomorrow, and that is where the political dispute is over, and what is left is technical and financial rest for the nation. ”

Addressin the international community as oertains the rscognition of Sonaliland as a sovereign bation president Bihi daid “The Somaliland community is deeply saddened by the blind eye turned by the IC of the 30 years they have been building and restoring peace in their country and making economic, intellectual and multifaceted progress through democratic elections adding that most painful is rsfusal to seaoarte Somaliland from Somalia despuye being acquiesced to the fact that reunion beyween the two shall never be.