Somalilandsun: Voting for your choice of Member of Parliament and Local Councillor is a right bestowed citizens by the Somaliland Constitution.
This according to the national elections commission-NEC is an opportunity for electing leaders who will end up making important national decisions.
To this effect the electoral body has urged all the over 1,200,000 voters it registered to turnout in-toto for the Somaliland parliamentary and local Councils elections on the 31st May 2021.
NEC made the urgings through a statement cum voting procedure guidelines that targets both new and past voters.
“This guidelines have been necessitated by the fact that we are undertaking joint elections for the first time” said NEC

Adding that though the 31st May polls shall utilize the same procedures as past ones, the electoral body said slight changes have been occasioned courtesy of the now the now combined parliamentary and local governments elections.
The voter guidelines issued by NEC are
1. Ensure you have your voter and National identification cards before going to the polling station.
- Kindly observe Covid-19 guidelines
- Queue behind the person who arrived before you. Do not engage in vote Solicitation at the polling station whatsoever . Campaign is over
- Consider voters with disabilities
- Avail your ID and Voter cards to the elections staff for verification.
- Once verified you must received two ballot papers.

I. The two ballot papers must be specific to your electoral
Region and district
For parliamentary candidates with symbols or numbers and
II. Ensure that the ballot paper for parliament shows, clearly the candidates name, symbol or number
III. Similarly the ballot paper for local council must clearly the candidates name, symbol or number.
IV. Ensure your finger is marked to indicate you have voted
7. If not satisfied inform the elections officers.
8. Once all things are correct proceed to the ballot booth, alone, mark your choice on each of the ballot papers
9. Cast your ballots on each of the specified boxes, parliament and local council.
10. Exit the polling station
11. Do not attempt to vote more than twice, it is a crime
12. Go home or to work and await official election results from the national election commission

We wish all Somaliland citizens a safe, peaceful, free and fair election exercise
The Somaliland national elections commission-NEC