Somalilandsun- Following her expedited November 2013 departure from Mogadishu where she served as central bank governor Yussur Abrar is back in Somalia. Though official confirmation remains elusive Speculation is rife that the return of Ms Yussur is courtesy of newly elected President Farmajo who wants her as part of his cabinet under formation by prime minster Hasan Ali Khaire presumably as finance minister Continue reading Pursued by Farmajo for a Cabinet Post Yussur Abrar is in Mogadishu
By: Yusuf M Hasan MOGADISHU (Somalilandsun) – The never ending corruption antics of the Somali Federal Government-SFG has forced its newly appointed Central Bank governor to resign in protest.
I would like to state here the facts about allegations by Reuters regarding the above mentioned graft which have recently been circulating in the international and local media: - Statement by Former Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister, Somalia Ms. Fawzia Y. H. Adam
By Abdullahi H. Farah Somalilandsun - Like anyone else who cares about Somalia, I was partially stunned partially disillusioned and partially admired Yussur Abraar's move to resign the governorship of Somalia's Central Bank. Ms. Abraar did not only resign her coveted position but also blown a much needed and historic…