Somaliland: “We are not only ready but Prepared to Deter Acts of Insecurity in the Country” Dr Haglatosie


By: Yusuf M Hasan

The Somaliland Health minister Dr Suleiman Isse Ahmed Haglatosie is reveived in Buhodle town

BUHOODLE (Somalilandsun) – The people and government of Somaliland shall not stand aside and let unscrupulous politicians impinge on security.

This warning was issued by the Somaliland health minister Dr Suleiman Isse Ahmed ‘Haglatosie’ in Buhoodle town where he also accused the Somalia Federal Government in Mogadishu for funding acts of insecurity in the district by alleged secessionists.

“WE are aware that that so called Khatumo state secessionists a being propelled by Mogadishu based authorities to foment warlike activities in Somaliland” said Dr Haglatosie as he warned that Somaliland authorities shall not hesitate to use relevant force to ensure prevalent peace and security in the country’s eastern regions is sustained.

The health minister was reacting to the warlike activities being perpetrated in Buhoodle District by Khatumo secessionists led by Prof Ali Khalif Galayd a Somalia member of Parliament who has been doing the rounds of the district raising anti-Somaliland sentiments among residents.

Informing that residents of Buhoodle and other parts of Sool region have just started enjoying the fruits of peace and public services the health minister cautioned those intend on disrupting the Buhoodle peace accords in lieu of reprisals commiserate with their interventions.

Dr Suleiman Isse who is himself a native son of Buhoodle where Khatumoist aligned to greater Somalia notion and funding from Mogadishu have been undertaking nefarious activities is credited with bringing peaceful co-existence after co-signing with President Silanyo of Somaliland the Buhoodle accords that ended fighting between the Sool Sanaag and Cayn-Ain SSC militias he commanded and Somaliland army in which many died.

Khatumoist politiciians led by Prof asli Khalif Galayd are engaged in propagating Warlike activities in Eastern parts of somalilandIn the recent past and with pushing by Mogadishu authorities Prof Ali Khalif Galayd a USA Citizen and Somalia MP together with his cahoots have been in various parts of Buhoodle district forcing the national army to forcefully evict them from Balliad.

Declaring political supremacy in Buhoodle the Somaliland health minister whose welcoming committee included a guard of honour from the army also revealed that he shall be in the area to ensure that all secessionists are removed either “in peace or by force”

Stating that the government of Somaliland is fully committed to peaceful co-existence nationwide said “we shall not sit aside and let Ali Khalif fronting the SFG in Mogadishu to destroy peace and security” while urging the Khatumo secessionist to leave town peacefully as continued stay shall result in spilling of blood.

“Everyone is witness that peace exists in Buhoodle which has been attained at great effort resulting in availability of much needed public services” said Dr Haglatosie as he stressed that continued external interventions in Somaliland internal affairs should “cease or else”

During his annual state of the nation address president Ahmed Mahmud Silanyo who revealed that his administration is aware of the hand of Somalia in creating instability in the eastern regions of the country also warned that force shall meet force if need be towards protecting citizens.

Sool elders at meeting discussing security in the eastern region of somaliland/archivesThe president’s warning were later on reiterated by his interior minister Mohamed Ali Waran’ade during a press briefing in Hargeisa where he also revealed that the administration has beefed up security in the region thence the subsequent ejection of Prof Galayd and his Khatumoist from Baliad area of Buhoodle district in Sool Region.

Concluding his warning to the Khatumoist whom he accused of failing to heed urgings by local elders as pertained to continued lose of innocent youthful blood the Somaliland health minister revealed that suitable action shall be taken immediately discussions with traditional leaders and government concludes

Warlord Galayd at the Khatumo presidency somewhere unknown where he rushes after creating disturbances in Somaliland

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