Israel Has Hijacked Saudi Arabia Foreign Policy says Ahmed Ali Abdi from the Center for Somaliland Political Progress
Somalilandsun- Apart from any potential alignment of views or interests with Israel on some regional threats, Saudi leaders and government officials remain vocal advocates for the Palestinians in the context of Israeli-Arab disputes.
While this is the overt, Ahmed Ali Abdi from the Center for Somaliland Political Progress who argues that flaws are discernible in the Saudi foreign policy as pertains its commitments to other Arab countries like Egypt, Opposition to others like Syria and now Qatar in addition to its never ending proxy war with Iran is clear proof that covertly the foreign policy of the kingdom is formulated in Tel Aviv and Not Riyadh
Read more of his piece below titled Israel Has Hijacked Saudi Arabia Foreign Policy
Quote- Apart from any potential alignment of views or interests with Israel on some regional threats, Saudi leaders and government officials remain vocal advocates for the Palestinians in the context of Israeli-Arab disputes.
Saudi-Israeli ties in recent years, although some new, overt contacts have occurred between Saudis and Israeli government officials. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu mentioned in January 2016 that “Saudi Arabia recognizes that Israel is an ally rather than an enemy because of the two principle threats that threaten them, Iran , Yemen. [the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State].”In May 2017, President Trump flew directly to
Israel from Saudi Arabia and upon his arrival said, “I was deeply encouraged by my conversations with Muslim world leaders in Saudi Arabia, including King Salman, who I spoke to at great length. King Salman feels very strongly, and I can tell you would love to see peace between Israel and the Palestinians.”The U.S.-Saudi joint statement released following President Trump’s May 2017 visit to the kingdom says that the president and King Salman “stressed the importance of reaching a
Comprehensive peace between Israelis and Palestinians” and “agreed to do everything they can to promote an environment that is conducive to advancing peace.”
Apart from any potential alignment of views or interests with Israel on some regional threats, Saudi leaders and government officials remain vocal advocates for the Palestinians in the context of Israeli-Arab disputes.
Official Saudi statements were routinely critical of Israeli policies, and many Saudi clerics, including leading official clerics, appear to remain implacably hostile to Israel. Saudi Grand Mufti Abd al Aziz al Al Sheikh has described the Islamic State as a tool of Israel.The late King Abdullah remained committed to the terms of the peace initiative he put forward under the auspices of the Arab League in 2002, which calls for normalization of Arab relations with Israel if Israel were to (1) withdraw fully from the territories it occupied in 1967, (2) agree to the establishment of a Palestinian state with a capital in East Jerusalem, and (3) provide for the “[a]achievement of a just solution
to the Palestinian Refugee problem in accordance with U.N. General Assembly Resolution 194.”In September 2015, King Salman and President Obama “underscored the enduring importance of the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, and underlined the necessity of reaching a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement to the conflict based on two states living side-by-side in peace and security. In response to March 2015 statements by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that cast doubt on Netanyahu’s support for a “two state solution” to the conflict, then-Foreign Minister Saudi al Faisal said The Kingdom expected the Prime Minister statements and commitments regarding not establishment of the Palestinian state in his era as a flagrant challenge to the international will and principles of its legitimacy, resolutions and agreements.
On the other hand, Saudi financial and political support to the Egyptian government has continued since 2013, and King Salman has sought and obtained Egyptian support for Saudi military operations in Yemen. In September 2015, Egypt denied reports it had sent as many as 800 troops to Yemen, but Egyptian officials report that they have contributed naval forces in a mission that was extended in January 2016. In April 2016, King Salman visited Cairo, Egypt, for consultations with Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al Sisi. During the visit, the leaders announced billions of dollars in joint investment and development agreements, along with plans to construct a bridge linking the two countries. King Salman also secured President Sisi’s recognition of Saudi claims to sovereignty over two islands at the entrance to the Gulf of Aqaba—Tiran and Senafir—that had been under Egyptian control since 1950, when the two governments agreed to station Egyptian military forces on them to dissuade military operations by Israel in the area. An Egyptian court subsequently nullified a bilateral agreement to that effect, amid an ongoing public controversy in Egypt.
Some observers question whether Saudi financial commitments to Egypt will be sustainable as the kingdom manages declines in oil revenues and resulting fiscal adjustments, but Saudi officials have given no indication that they intend to dramatically alter current patterns of support
Nevertheless, Israel questioned Saudi Kingdom? Why the Oman and Kuwait have
Closer ties to Iran than does Qatar. Oman and Kuwait did not join the move against Qatar. But the underlying difference between the GCC will remains, until why Saudi Arabia asked help our true enemy of Israel in defending us from the Yemen Hutti ?
While the Oman and Kuwait raising questions over why Iran policy was identified as a factor in the neighbors’ rift rather than Israel’s political interferences with the GCC unity. Several regional countries, including Turkey, called for dialogue to resolve the dispute.
However, the Iran’s tactic-full civilized diplomacy attracts or gains hearts and minds of theIslamic world. Instead of the Saudi Arabia repels the Gulf Corporation council. Gulfcountries civil anger might even causes the downfall of kingdoms regarded close ties to the Israel.
Furthermore, In July 2014, Smith described the regional challenges facing the kingdom as “a maelstrom”
Ahmed Ali Abdi
Center for Somaliland Political Progress