Somaliland: Regional Governors Parley Interior Ministry


Interior minister Ali Waranade 2

By: G.A Maher

HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – The minister of internal security Mr. Ali Mohamed Waran’ade held a meeting in his office with the country’s Regional Governors to discuss matters pertaining security and development in their respective regions.

The meeting which took several hours ended with a press conference at the interior ministry headquarters where the minister revealed the agenda of their discussion which concerned how the regional governors could work closely with the central government to strengthen security and implement development projects in their respective regions.

He also talked about the Puntland region of Somalia interference in the domestic affairs of the eastern regions of the country and added that most of the east is under the authority of somaliland security forces and said the small area that Puntland is administering will soon be returned to Somaliland’s rule .

The minister said that the intention of the meeting is to bring the regional governors to work closely with the central government so as not jeopardize the team work amongst governmental officials.

This meeting follows a similar between the regional governors and President Ahmed Mahmud Silanyo earlier this year.