Somalilandsun To mark Black History Month Wales, the Welsh look at the contribution of 100 outstanding black Welsh people. Black History Month Wales begins this October…
And this opportunity has given the perfect excuse to celebrate the fact that Wales is full of brilliant, black Welsh people.
To honour this annual event-packed month and this year’s 70th anniversary of the Windrush arrivals, 100 brilliant African Caribbean and African Welsh people who have helped shaped Wales are featured.
Each has been chosen by the Black History Wales-wide network of members as supported by the Black History Committee to mark its Black History Month theme – “Icons of Black Wales”.
Read: The refugees, immigrants and asylum seekers who are all making Wales great
Each has been chosen for their extraordinary commitment and contributions to public life, science, health, education, the arts, sport, business and equal rights.Each is an inspiration, has achieved something remarkable and has made a real difference.currently in the capacity of consultant to the Somaliland minister of interior in Hargeisa, Prof Eid Ali Ahmed is a British- Somalilander based in Wales.

In a distinct career that spans decades both in Somaliland and his adapted hometown of Cardiff, Prof Eid has been acknowledged as the seventh most brilliant, Black Welshman.
The Prof who migrated to Wales at the height of armed struggle waged by SNM against the Somalia dictatorship of Mohamed Siad Barre that concluded with withdrawal of Somaliland from union with Somalia in 1991, has had a chequered career both in his home of origin and adapted one of Wales.
Apart from his hectic and purpose filled career in his adapted home, Prof Eid now consultant to the Somaliland minister of interior also provided his consultancy services in strategic Planning to the central bank and Human Resource Management to the Civil service institute both in Hargeisa and on a voluntary basis.
He also actively participates in the activities of the Somaliland Mental Health Support an charitable organization he helped found in Wales.
To mark Black History Month in Wales which nominated Prof Eid seventh looked at the contribution of 100 outstanding black Welsh people, from africa and the Caribbean among them Professional Footballer Ashley Williams, Hiv AIDS campaigner Mercy Ngulube herself a PLWA, Dr Ahmed Ali and An award-winning research chemist based at Cardiff University’s School of Biosciences who is originally from Somalia,
For the full list of 100 Brilliant, Black and Welsh 2018 Read “Brilliant, Black and Welsh: A celebration of 100 African Caribbean and African Welsh people”
In their recognition of Somaliland’s Prof Eid Ali thence seventh of 100 most brilliant black Welsh , the nominators stated
Quote- Former freedom fighter and international banker Eid Ali Ahmed, 68, helped found the Welsh Refugee Council (WRC) after arriving here as a refugee in 1987. He was the deputy chief executive when he left the WRC in 2011.
As one of the founders of the Somali Liberation Movement, which ousted dictator Siad Barre in 1991, he was forced to flee his home country. From Wales he has campaigned for the last two decades to have the self-declared and peaceful country of Somaliland internationally recognised as apart from Somalia.

Eid is former chairman and active member of Somaliland Societies in Europe and UK which works to raise awareness of the issue among politicians and public. He regularly visits Somaliland to meet members of the government, civil society, business people and academics for the promotion and development of Somaliland.-Unquote
About EID
Eid is a Management, Business and Development Consultant and highly experienced Trainer.
Over the years Eid has worked as university lecturer, senior director, researcher, trainer and consultant.
Eid has wide experience in international banking culminating in his position as a Manager of the Credit Department of Citibank in Saudi Arabia. Eid completed his undergraduate studies in United States and his postgraduate studies in United Kingdom and holds BSc in Accounting, BA in Economics, MBA, PGCE, and Professional Banking Diploma from UK Bankers Institute now called UK Institute of Financial Services of which he is associate member.

Eid is CIPD (UK Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) Chartered Fellow which is the highest membership and status level of CIPD.
Eid is consultant for Somaliland Ministry of Interior and Bank of Somaliland and is associate consultant of Africa Entrepreneurship Centre in Cardiff, Wales and a trustee of Sub-Sahara Advisory Panel in Cardiff, Wales (
From 2016 as a researcher and consultant he has been involved in Cardiff University Research Project on Post-conflict Economic Recovery and Urban and Informal Trade and Economy of several capital cities of developing countries including Hargeisa, capital city of Somaliland. From 2009 to 2015 Eid has been university lecturer/tutor at Cardiff University from where he was was in recognition of his achievement of developing 2 accredited courses: Professional and Career Development and Public Engagement. Besides these two courses he developed and taught Project Development and Management Course.
Prof Eid Ali Ahmed embodies volunteerism in SomalilandHe is one of the founders of the Welsh Refugee Council and was Deputy Chief Executive of the Council when he left the Council in 2011. In 2000 he was seconded to the National Assembly for Wales as an advisor/consultant on Equality and Diversity Policies, Community Development and Integration of refugees. He led the implementation of refugees and asylum seekers dispersal and settlement strategy across Wales in 2000-2002.
He can be contacted at Email:
Read: UK All Party Parliamentary Group for Somaliland Concludes Fact Finding Mission