Somalilandsun- The President H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi has hailed the National Police Force (NPF) for the gigantic achievements that they have made for the past 25 years since it was last initiated the forces for their selfless diligence constantly as they went about their duties.
During the 25th Anniversary of the NPF (Silver Jubilee) celebrations since its inception marked on the 2nd November 2018 at their headquarters in Hargeisa, the President recalled how he and Abdi-Dibbo promised the police force then (a quarter of a century before) that the SL forces would surpass all expectations and become a modern force to reckon with.
As they celebrated their Silver Jubilee, the President was happy that their prophecy has come to pass and that they were celebrating a national force that has indeed become dependably a reputed one as an internationally classical that is now reckoned with in the Horn of Africa region as a whole.

“We are happy that our forces is now a respected one and the peaceful stability cherished today and internationally acknowledged is due to their formidable diligence”, noted the President.
He recalled that security police force were first established in 1910 then upgraded later in 1926. He pointed out that the 1960 union with the south had then merged with a poor Southern Somalia Force.
The President said that the present one was officially launched in 1993 has come out of rug-tag force that was in tatters and slept in the open. He thus hailed the forces commanders, their deputy’s senior officers middle and lower cadres their families and relations for celebrating the silver Jubilee (25 years) Anniversary and having made such monumental progress.
The President lamented that the roads carnage has increased just as youth “groups” thugs has. He asked the force to address the issues. He decried the poor stations of the roads and unskilled drivers.
He revealed that the interior minister would soon lead a delegation of elders, leaders, clergy and eminent personalities to address the southern Sool fracas that has pitted two brotherly communities against each other claiming dozens of lives.

He thanked the UK government and associated partners for having aided the force to be the formidable one it is today.
Speaking at the venue, the Minister of Interior Hon. Mohammed Kahin Ahmed largely echoed the words of the President.
He however pointed out that land cases was a thorn in the flash of public order management hence disclosed that the new year 2019 has in stone a program.
He lamented that litigants who lose cases never acknowledge the court rulings in the long run, hence by thus commit serious felonies.
The Minister hailed the forces commanders, officers of all cadres and their families on the auspicious Silver Jubilee.
On the other hand the NPF commander Major General Abdillahi Fadal Iman gave detailed achievements realized by the force.
He highlighted past ones, those at hand and their future plans.

Of note is that the police force have a forensic laboratory established and a senior officers and commanders academy is already in the pipeline being constructed hence by 2019 the country would no longer sent officers for basic specialized causes abroad but they will be trained within the country.
He gave a data of officers having been already equipped with specialized skills, those being trained and an overview of their general personnel status.
The commander hailed the President for being quite supportive to the causes of the police force at all times.
Similarly the operations commander Col Abdigani Isse Meygaag gave details of all aspects indulged by the department in the dispensation of their duties.
For instance he gave an outline of general cases this year as opposed to those of last year.
In 2018 reported cases were 19664 which have upped 554 from last year.
He noted that skirmishes through clashes and road accidents have also increased this past year.
Isolated murder cases have however reduced by 10 to 61 this year with all culprits or suspects apprehended but six.
Present were cabinet ministers, service commanders, members of diplomatic corps, senior civil servants, eminent personalities etcetera.
By: M.A.Egge