Somaliland: Jamaal Ali Hussein Seriously Criticizes The Ruling Party KULMIYE Leaders


UCID presidential aspirant Jamal Ali

By: Omar. A. Omar
Hargeisa(Somaliland sun). The presidential contestant from UCID party, Hon. Jamaal Ali Hussein strongly nullifies the ruling party KULMIYE leaders on the matters of bringing development to the public instead they are lying to the Somaliland people.
“What the government is doing is that they just collect taxes from the public in the name of inspiring the economies and telling the nation the rise of economic portages but all is their expenses by using luxurious cars (white and black 4×4 land cruisers) by government officials.

We already told the people that anybody can use his/her property to buy but not creating a representative criterion in using public belongings.” Said Mr. Jamaal.
Mr. Jamaal also told the news broadcast that Muuse Biihi, Abdiaziz Samaale and Mahamed Biihi were behind Silaanyo and hope that Silaanyo will win again but the truth is that the government wheel and ruling measures are absolutely down the score.
“Anyone declaring that KULMIYE party will win coming general election isn’t telling the truth and the Somaliland citizens are not ready to decide on again the ruling party KUMIYE. Enough is enough.” Said Jamaal.
However the UCID presidential contestant further condemned the KULMIYE government are just showing off in the name of development. He lamented “Someone just shoots a photo on one kilometer erection of roads claiming that infrastructures are built but actually you have seen the condition of Hargeisa roads the way they are.” Said Mr. Jamaal.
Finally Mr. Jamaal said that there is no ruling leaders today who owe a house in the state before but after grabbing public possessions all put up big houses. Claimed Mr. Jamaal.
He lamented that he will bring changes to social-economic uplift, educational sector, health and targeting to improve development of the country.