While the public applauds the harsh words on corruption by public officials with British citizenship and on never ending election postponements.
By: Yusuf M Hasan
Somalilandsun- “We have lost confidence and trust in the government of Somaliland as pertains to its commitment to the democratization process”
According to the Deputy British envoy to Somalia Amb Andrew Allen the lost confidence and trust by the U.K. and other members of the international community emanate from frequent delays in the election process that ensued with extended tenure for the presidency, legislature and local councils.
In elaboration the U.K. envoy with responsibilities for Somaliland said “I have been to Hargeisa thrice, on the first visit I was told that presidential elections will be held in March this year, on the second trip it turned to October and on this third one am informed the polls have now been scheduled to December 2017”
After stating this during a meeting with select local journalists the U.K. Embassy released a press statement revealing two actions taken by authorities in London, that have elicited much debate within the public but silence from the administration of president Silanyo 1. The lost opportunity for Somaliland to participate in the donor conference from which the British organizers have excluded it for regular polls delays and
2. The acknowledgment that Somaliland public officials with British citizenship are involved in massive maladministration/corruption.
For Somalilanders who consider Britain as their parent country having been its protectorate for over a century, the candid and harsh reaction by London its first such, on polls delays and corruption has been the talk in public places this whole last week.
For many this reaction from the U.K. was long overdue and a clear signal to the Silanyo administration that London was tired of baby sitting duties.
For others the British who have refused to recognize their country despite centuries relations denies London the moral jurisdiction to interfere with local issues.
In the meantime, more than a week since the scathing press statement by the Britons that castigated the Silanyo administration for delaying polls, perpetuating extended tenure in office and appointing and maintaining corrupt officials, nothing has been heard
According to Geeska Afrika newspaper Attempts to elicit comment from presidency minister Eng Husein Deyr remain unanswered.
The Somalia Conference will take place on 11 May 2017 in London where Heads of State and Government from across East Africa and other key partners, along with senior figures from international organisations will convene to discuss and commit to Somalia’s
1. Improved security
2. Political reform and governance
3. Economic development
4. New Partnership AgreementThough the second conference on Somalia to be hosted by the United Kingdom it will be the first without Somaliland participation