Somaliland: Ethiopia’s Zone Five Regional Administration Delegation to Celebrate Eid-Ul Adha in Hargeisa


Zone 5 Delegation arrival in Hargeisa

By: Yusuf M Hasan

HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – A high powered delegation from the zone five Somali regional administration of Ethiopia composed of ministers and senior party officials are in the country for an official visit.

The Zone five delegation which is led by the executive officer of the Somali people democratic party (SPDE) of Ethiopia Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Shukri and includes Minister of Agriculture and livestock development Mr. Abdirizaq Ali Bashe, Presidential advisor Abdirizaq Botaan and minister at large Mr. Mohammed Farah were received by a Somaliland delegation led by Minister of Information Mr. Abdilahi Mohammed Dahir

The delegation’s arrival in the country during festivities marking the Islamic holiday of Eid Ul-Adha is hot in the heels of a similar visit by Somaliland’s delegation which was led by Mr. Mohammed to the zone five region of Ethiopia during festivities marking Eid-ul- Fitr which the Hargeisa based delegation celebrated with their neighbors in Jigjiga city.

Brothers from Ethiopia Welcome to somaliland

. Speaking to journalists Abdilahi U’kuse the minister of Information said that the people and government and of Ethiopia is an important ally to the people of Somaliland thence cordial bilateral relations that see the two governments work together on matter pertaining to security, cross border trade, economic development and peaceful co-existence among its citizens.

In lieu of the Somaliland administration’s policy of cordial relations with friendly neigbouring countries the current visit by the officials of the Somalia Zone five regional administration of Ethiopia “is a step in the right directions not only for partaking in celebrations of the Islamic holy day but in the discussions that will take place thus enhanced relations” said minister U’kuse