As Sool Regional Governor Calls for Peaceful Reconciliation
By: Yusuf M. Hassan
Somalilandsun- The Sool regional capital of Lasanod and surrounding areas has been placed under curfew that extends from dusk to dawn.
According to the Sool regional Governor Mustaffa Abdi Shiine the curfew was put in place following the death of ten people during a dispute between two clans at Darkein-genyo village 70kms west of Lasanod town.
“The curfew is intent on deterring movement of people especially at night with the purpose of supplying the warring clans with weapons” said Governor Shiine adding that the Sool regional administration assisted by National Authorities in Hargeisa has intervened and succeeded in stopping the fighting.
The fighting in which 15 people also received serious injuries started after the two clans residing in Darkein-genyo failed to agree on payment of Diya (blood money) that was agreed upon six months ago following intervention by the administration and traditional leaders geared towards a long standing feud within the two communities that had in the past resulted in several unsolved deaths.
“During a final meeting planned to share out Diya differences occurred and one of the sub clans that felt it had not been apportioned its share properly started the fight that killed 10 and injured 15 others” said Governor Shiine.
In addition to curfew in Lasanod and its environs the regional authority also dispatched security personnel who together with traditional leaders managed to establish cessation of hostilities pending arbitration.At the same time the Sool Regional Governor Mustaffa Abdi Shiine who has made a call for peaceful reconciliation also dispatched to Darkeyn-genyo an arbitration team compassed of traditional , community and women leaders mobilized from various areas in the eastern region of Somaliland.