Somaliland: Chief Justice Dishonourable Discharged From Office


Fired Somaliland ChiefJ Justice Yusuf Ismail Ali

By: Yusuf M Hasan
HARGEISSA (Somalilandsun) – The president Ahmed Mahmud Silanyo has fired the Somaliland Chief Justice-CJ with immediate effect.
The removal of the CJ Yusuf Ismail Ali from office was revealed through a presidential decree # JSL/M/XERM/249-3197/042015 dispatched to the media electronic by the presidential press unit.
The presidential decree read
The president of the Republic of Somaliland Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo has relived the Chef Justice of his national duties while the appointment of his replacement shall b made soon.
The head of state justified his decree disposing the chef justice to various authorities granted him by virtue of his office as well to consultations with relevant agencies and never ending complaints regarding misconduct by the CJ.
Quote- I the president of Somaliland
Guided by Article 90 and section 3, 105 article of the Somaliland constitution
In reference to Recommendations by the Judicial Commission
In pursuit of eliminating persistent complaints of malpractices made against the judiciary by members of public and
Having been satisfied to the need of drastic changes at the judiciary
Do hereby decree that as from that as from today henceforth Yusuf Ismail Ali is no long the Chief Justice of Somaliland