Somaliland and Somalia Seasonal Monitor: December 04, 2018


Somaliland sun- Most Somalia regions received light to moderate rainfall from November 21 to 30 2018 according to remote sensing imagery with Ground information confirming that moderate rainfall occurred in most of Gedo and Bay regions as well as in localized areas of Bakool, Lower Juba, Hiiraan, and Middle and Lower Shabelle regions, while light rainfall fell in the rest of the South.

In  Somaliland, ground reports indicated that rainfall quantity improved compared to the previous reporting period, though RFE2 estimates indicate no rainfall. Most of Woqooyi Galbeed and Awdal regions experienced dry conditions. However, the onset of the December to January Xeys rains began in Guban Pastoral livelihood zone in Awdal with localized moderate to light rainfall amounts.
Localized moderate-to-light and light-to-moderate rains were also reported in West Golis Pastoral livelihood zone in Sheikh and Burao districts in Togdheer region and in Erigabo and Elafweyn districts in Sanaag region. Little to no rainfall was reported in Sool.

This is according to a Somalia Seasonal Monitor: report of December 04, 2018 by from Famine Early Warning System Network, US Geological Survey 

Read full report below
