Somalilandsun: Borame, Burao and Hargeisa residents celebrated the Somaliland 31st independence anniversary at events hosted by the Wadani and UCID Opposition parties coalition.
The three cities of Borama and Hargiesa in the country’s western regions of Awdal and Maroodi-jeeh respectively and Burao in Eastern Togdheer region met and had briefings from Opposition coalition leaders
The opposition festivities that begun on the eve of 18th May say Wadani and UCID parties leaders Hirsi Haji Ali and Eng Feisal Ali Warabe and other leaders accompanied by Wadani party presidential candidate 2022 Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi Irro address functions in the trio of regional capitals.
In all the functions the leaders and supporters of Somaliland opposition parties were unanimous on the non delay of presidential elections slated for 13th November this year.
Isbahaysiga xisbiyada mucaaradka ah ee Somaliland WADDANI iyo UCID ayaa caawa magaalada Burco ee xarunta gobolka Togdheer ku qabtay munaasibad balaadhan oo loogu dabaal degayo xuska Qaran ee 18-ka May. pic.twitter.com/CfLRY0sadm
— WADDANI PARTY (@WaddaniP) May 18, 2022
Of late the Somaliland political scene has put limelight on the presidential elections following fears of uncertainties raised by the opposition parties.
“ Though ruling Kulmiye party has suggested scrapping the 13th November day from our calendar let all and sundry be informed that presidential elections shall be held at whatever costs” said Wadani party’s 2022 Somaliland presidential candidate Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi Irro
"Doorashadu waa in ay xiligeedii ku qabsoonta..
Qolada Kulmiye waxay Yidhaahdeen 13 November taariikhda ha laga saaro laakiin balanteenu waa 13 November,”Musharrax Madaxweyne Cabdiraxmaan Cirro. pic.twitter.com/59aLUpS47y
— WADDANI PARTY (@WaddaniP) May 18, 2022
The election postponement fears emanate from the ongoing Power struggle at the Somaliland national Elections Commission-NEC that has seen sitting chair Riyo-raac disposed and replaced with Commissioner Kaltun Sheikh Hassan.

“The country demands that presidential elections 2022 be held as slated and I hereby tell citizens to be ready for the undertaking whoever it turns apt” said UCID party leader Eng Feisal Ali Warabe
While the opposition parties had acknowledged that power transfer and pledged to work closely as usual with whoever is leader of the electoral body, matters turned ugly when president Bihi appointed a five member Committee tasked with probing the financial conduct of NEC.
Also read Somaliland Presidential Elections, Opposition Parties Threats and Police Warning
“Somaliland is embarking on a Dictatorial path and President Muse Bihi is solely responsible for this and whatever happens” said Abdirahman Irro as he revealed the opposition parties rejection of the probe taskforce which he termed as neither independent nor impartial.
This sentiments were repeatedly reiterated in all the functions
our people were hopeful of very prosperous times, but as thongs stand today am worried that citizens might resort to castigate SNM liberation veterans” said Ambassador Mohamed Ali the Wadani party’s candidate for Somaliland vice president
“https://t.co/VKAnuaXeqe https://t.co/X8l6GIIDk9https://twitter.com/WaddaniP/status/1527262833607692291?t=8WBlrcLhaPe7EUdLWsjvCw&s=19
“to the president I say, that you and your Kulmiye party administration owe somaliland a timely presidential elections and may whoever garners must votes as usual take office” the deputy Wadani party leader Mohamed Haji Yusuf Wabeeyo told president Bihi
“Madaxweynaha waxaynu leenahay doorashada waa lagula leeyahay ee dhulka dhig…Siidhiga haddii doorasho dhici waydo waa dhiidh..” Guddoomiye xigeen Maxamed Xaaji Yuusuf Waabeeyohttps://t.co/bcrpVj9Sde pic.twitter.com/JhSKmpDeG4
— WADDANI PARTY (@WaddaniP) May 17, 2022
“I hereby urge President Bihi to hold timely elections and stop putting the country in a political confrontational status which is slowly breeding insecurity” said the Wadani party shadow Interior Minister Ibrahim Dua’ale Boss
“Xukumadda waxa aanu leenahay ha ka xanaaqina wakhtigiini wuu dhammaaday ee doorashada qabta..”
MD Maxamed Faarax Cabdi Xoghayaha Arrimaha Gudaha Xisbiga WADDAN https://t.co/rMFppKZOIF pic.twitter.com/Soy1zwfeL9— WADDANI PARTY (@WaddaniP) May 19, 2022
“For the president to say that he has managed to eliminate inflation in Somaliland where prices have hiked almost tenfold in his five years in office , is equal to the lady who wondered whether people without flour will eat cakes” said Wadani party’s shadow information minister Mahmud Adan Jama ‘Galaal”
"Madaxweynaha yidhi 'sicir barar ma jiro wuxuu la mid yahay gabadhii tidhi 'haddi daqiiq la waayay dadku miyay Keeg cunaan..,"Mahmoud Adam Jama (Galaal) Xoghayaha War-Faafinta ee Xisbiga WADDANIhttps://t.co/RmUbxoK62B pic.twitter.com/CZvCDOoaE5
— WADDANI PARTY (@WaddaniP) May 17, 2022
Opposition parties resilience in pushing for a timely elections as Well as acceptance by the government to allow them Organize festivities commemorating 31 years of Somaliland independence were addressed by Wadani party chief
“In our impromptu late night meeting at the presidency in Hargeisa the 16th May between us (Wadni/UCID) and the Kulmiye party administration TWO ISSUES were discussed and agreed upon said Hirsi Haji Ali
Said he, One was rescinding of a government order rescinding all 18th May Independence day functions not organize and managed by the National 18 May 2022 organizing committee appointed by President Bihi
Khudbad kooban oo guddoomiyaha Xisbiga WADDANI ka jeediyay dabaal deggii 18 May ee magaalada Burcohttps://t.co/t8Bl8B9FaH pic.twitter.com/wfvet5gDvM
— WADDANI PARTY (@WaddaniP) May 19, 2022
Adding that the second and most poignant was a one piece and for all resolution of the uncertainty surrounded Somaliland presidential elections 2022 as he confirmed firmed that the two parties have agreed to meet immediately after 18th May.