Repatriation of Looted African Art is a Right

Repatriation of Looted African Art is a Right
Some of the African Looted and displayed in museums within former colonizer countries

Somalilandsun: The colonization of sub-Saharan Africa by European countries left in its wake a myriad of problems and complications that remain untangled to this day.
Decades after the last African country achieved independence from the colonists, the ripples caused by decades of political and cultural domination and high-handedness of the colonial forces have reached past the shores of the colonialists and colonized territories to countries that were never involved in the colonialism campaigns.
This is the case of plundered art and artifacts from African countries found in museums in the United States and Canada and the moral question of repatriating these African art collections in their possessions to their origins across the Atlantic continue reading  To Return or Not? US Museums On the Repatriation of Looted African Art