Somalilandsun: It gives me great pleasure to be here with you today to restart the discussions between two brotherly leaders, two somali leaders.
Excellencies, Heads of States and Governments
Distinguished guests
This is only the last of many such meetings you have had over the last 20 years and we still have hope that you will be able to have fruitful talks today.
As we all know, a few days from now, will mark the 60th anniversary of the end of colonial rule in the Somali territories. After the struggles of the last 30 years, the time for a rebirth is now. Indeed this new generation of young people are not burdened by the violence of the past and I believe they are the best suited to build anew.
With that in mind, I would like you to remember that this is not for or about our generation, it is not even about our children’s generation anymore but about our grandchildren and the idea we want them to have of the Somali Nation. We may be the ones in the room today but they will be the ones who will live with the decisions you make for them.
We know that not of all the problems will be solved here today but we also have to remember that just being open to discussionsand be willing to get the men and women you lead closer together is the ultimate goal.

Putting aside the political side of things we would like to see beneficial outcomes in terms of free trade, free movement of people and goods as well as cooperation on all matters in order to provide opportunities to help your people prosper.
Once you have established a blueprint for cooperation, you can start to build on those achievements and ultimately give it any form you like.
Your Excellencies,
There comes a time in every leader’s life when the people in the room have to make the decisions that will serve most of their people and do the most good for the largest part of the population. That political courage is demanded of you today and I believe that you are up to the task.
This is not a zero sum game where there is a winner and a loser. All we can ask is that you think beyond past failures and imagine what future is possible for your peoples.
I would like to thank you for trusting us today and wish you a fruitful discussion.
As Djiboutians, we always remain hopeful that our brotherly somali peoples will find a way forward together and we will always stand with you to help foster the best outcomes for everyone involved.
Thank you.