I think of the Horn



By Nebila Abdulmelik/hornlight

I think of the Horn, And I think of Colorful histories, Inter-woven identities, Inseparable humanities, Superfluous dreams, Untold stories

I think of the Nile as it ebbs and flows, Ras Dashen as it towers over the Danakil, Assab & the shores of Mogadishu

I think of civilization, prior to civilization, Of the bravery of warriors, Of uncrushable pride, But I also think of hunger

Hunger that has ravaged too many of our people, For far too long, Of rulers who both refuse to step down, And are unwilling to step up and be leaders

And I think of profound faith, indomitable spirits, In the midst of unspeakable hardships

I think of unreached potential, renewed opportunities, Of innovators & renovators, Of a land of poets & wordsmiths

I think of the HORN, and I think of prisms, Each angle produces a different light, Unable to be defined or confined

But always alive

The Horn is, was & will always be.
