Somalilandsun : The situation prevalent in the Somaliland workplace and Political life for women was the subject of a lively debate by Female University students in Hargeisa.
Hosted by SIHA Network as part of International women’s day 2020 commemorations participants who were pooled from various universities in the capital city vibrantly discussed and exchange views mostly empirical as pertains the status revolving around women political and professional life in Somaliland as well as related challenges and opportunities.
The Discussions and debate by the mainly youthful female university students were guided by the IWD 2020 theme of “I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights
The SIHA Network facilitated debate having properly dwelt on the challenges engulfing Somaliland women accessing jobs and position of decision making politically equitably with their male counterparts, came to the conclusion that intensification in awareness raising, support to women education and aggressive lobbying and participation in political parties activities was the way forward.
Addressing the event the SIHA Network chairperson Nuruddin Muhumed Abdi started by thanking participants for their candid expression of views as pertains the role, Challenges, and opportunities of women in the Somaliland Labour Market and Political life.
The SIHA Network boss then briefed on the importance attached to gender equality globally which gave birth to a specific date set aside for all of humankind to reflect namely the International Women’s Day which is an annual global event.
Said he, ‘The IWD is set aside annually with the specific objective of celebrating women’s history, highlighting key events, milestones, and achievements, and aims to further promote and raise awareness of women’s rights and to achieve equal opportunity status in all walks of life while adding that International Women’s Day is all about unity, celebration, reflection, advocacy and action – whatever that looks like globally at a local level. But one thing is for sure, International Women’s Day has been occurring for well over a century – and continue’s to grow from strength to strength
Stressing that Islamic tenets like others have respect of women as a prerogative of worship Mr Muhumed said that no reason exists to deter Somaliland joining the international community in celebrating women from all walks of life.
Revealing that the year 2020 is an important one for gender equality for it marks the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the most advanced blueprint for achieving gender equality in the world. It also marks 10 years since the establishment of UN Women, and the 20th anniversary of the UN Security Council resolution 1325 on women, peace and security, the SIHA Network urged local women to not sit and wait for leftovers or quotas of this or that but to come out and pursue what is rightfully theirs as enshrined in the constitution of Somaliland.
In conclusion the SIHA BOSS Nuruddin Muhumed Abdi promised relevant support continously from the network
The Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA) was established in 1995 and is a regional network which undertakes research, capacity-building, sub-granting and advocacy on women’s human rights

SIHA Network is a coalition of civil society organisations in the Horn of Africa advocating for social change and gender equality for men and women.
In conjunction with its membership, SIHA tackles gender-based violence and the threats faced by women human rights defenders and aims to bring the voices and interests of poor and marginalised women to the mainstream peace and political agenda.