Waddani party criticizes Doctors’ negligence in Somaliland


In a press conference Muniir Ahmed Cigal, a senior advisor to the Presidential candidate of Waddani party, has raised an alarm over the daily problems arising from the negligence by Somaliland doctors.

The advisor stated that the hospitals have become business centers other than helping the people. He affirmed that many patients are suffering due to the negligence of the medical doctors.

Munir revealed that his father who had a knee fracture is among those who have suffered. The condition of his father deteriorated after his father had two successive surgeries . He blames the Doctor even though he did not mention his name.

Munir added that he eventually had to airlift his father to Ethiopia after having spent more than $1000 for his father’s medical check up in Hargeisa.

The advisor said his father can not use his two legs now. He called upon the Somaliland government to urgently solve the problem and control the professionalism and ethics of the doctors, urging the lawmakers to enact laws regarding the matter.