Somaliland sun – Over the last 20 years, Somalia’s conflicts have triggered extreme poverty, violence and a complex set of political and social grievances that remain a threat to the country’s stability.
According to Victoria wogu “All these vulnerabilities, alongside deeply rooted cultural and social norms, shape the life circumstances of women and girls, who are largely excluded from formal decision-making structures. Somali women make up only 14 percent of the Federal Parliament and in some state parliaments as low as one percent”
Victoria Nwogu, from Nigeria, is the Head of the Cross-cutting Unit of our UNDP office in Somalia. She is committed to ending violence against women through addressing gender inequality in Somalia
My work for women and girls is focused on the justice system. I work to give women the education, knowledge and tools they need to become paralegals, prosecutors, police officers and other roles where they can challenge and address gender inequalities.Read more about how How She works to help end violence against women in Somalia