Somalilandsun: DMA, in partnership with Guul Group is pleased to announce the virtual event, ‘Somaliland and the UK: Stability & Sustainable Development’ on 11th November 2020 09:00-11:00 GMT.
Opened by HE the President, this event would feature the Head of British Office in Hargeisa, Head of Mission in London, senior government ministers, GUUL Group and the private sector. Aimed at strengthening engagement with the UK, it will explore Somaliland’s well-established stability, extraordinary potential and the government’s commitment to foreign direct investment.
A series of pre-recorded presentations will be followed by a live interactive Q&A discussion session using a new IT platform which DMA has been Beta testing since the onset of COVID-19.
In parallel to the main event, the Minister of Investment Promotion should be available for virtual ‘one-to-one’ sessions with potential and existing investors.The Audience
DMA will use their extensive business networks and investor databases to source between 150 and 200 high-calibre attendees. These will be predominantly the CEOs, CFOs, Boardroom Directors and Business Strategy Directors from leading companies that have demonstrated their interests or relevance to Somaliland, including both new-comers and experienced businesses in this market.
For the one-to-one meeting sessions, DMA will identify businesses with established interests in Somaliland; those who registered their interest in the postponed Summit, and any suggested by the Head of Mission and GUUL Group. DMA will be more than happy to brief the Minister of Investment Promotion on the meetings ahead of the event.Running the Event
We will be using a new IT platform which we’ve been Beta testing since March. The platform includes a committed ICT producer to manage the technical elements and is download-free and can be easily accessed in low-bandwidth and emerging markets.
The event will be ‘simulated live’ involving pre-recorded presentations and live discussion sessions. Pre-recording overcomes the issues of delivering presentations live; buffering due to low bandwidths, poor audio and video quality and connection, interruptions, and slow transitions between speakers. For this, presenters will need to send a pre-recorded message (10 minutes maximum), and we are able to support filming with our producer, if this is needed. DMA will only require 20 minutes of each presenters’ time, although they may record the message themselves if that is easier.

Rationale and Outcomes
As a result of reduced movement from COVID19, businesses and government have moved online. This virtual event will capitalise on this new digitised platform to reassure the private sector that the government is open and committed to foreign direct investment, whilst providing a platform for strengthening bilateral relations and outlining Somaliland’s extraordinary investment opportunities post-COVID. Such is a ‘taster’ ahead of a re-scheduled trade mission when it is safe and appropriate to travel.
As part of this new virtual offering, the event’s content will be available online as a permanent promotional tool for both governments, foreign missions, and GUUL Group.
In there invitation to interested particpants the organizers say
We are delighted to invite you to our first engagement with the governmentof Somaliland since the highly successful investment summit in 2014.