Somalilandsun: The government of Somaliland has for sometimes been in pursuit of securing it’s own internet domain thus completely separate from association with Somalia’s .so.
Similarly the government also pursues disassociation from the Somalia’s +254 area code intents that have even ensued with Somaliland banning in lieu of stiff legal punishment the use of the .so domain within its territory.
This pursuit to distinguish herself from Somalia saw the administration of president Musa Bihi Abdi acquire government portal which includes Internet Protocol addresses at a cost of US$120,000 and US$15,000 respectively.
While matters related to use put to the portal is of import despite reports that it is laying dormant the determination of the president Bihi administration is commendable.
This resolve was advanced in late 2019 when the government of Somaliland announced the implementation of e-government as well as the inclusion of information technology in the national curriculum, but neither has materialized.
Now the president Bihi administration has gone a step further this time to West Africa where it is courting the Government of Sierra Leone.
According to some reports last year the Minister of Telecommunication and Technology, Dr. Abdiweli Sufi Jibril sent a Letter of Intent to the Sierra Leone Minister of Information and Communication Mr. Mohamed Rahman Swaray asking for help and collaboration as well as the use of the top-level Internet domain .sl which is registered for the government of Sierra Leone
A year on information is scanty on his the Sierra Leoneans reacted to the request .
Read below the letter courtesy of Somaliland chronicle