Somaliland: The Foreign Trips Obsessed President of Somalia


Cartoonist Amin depication of a Somalia president in Searc of foreign trips

Somalilandsun – Since 2013 when he was selected, President Hassan Sheikh of Somalia has spent 198 days out of his country courtesy of 61 foreign trips to the following Burundi, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, S. Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, UK, US, UAE, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Japan . As shown in the chart, he has spent the most time in North America and Europe, where he stayed for 88 days, most notably spending 32 days in the United States. In 2013 he spent 92 days outside of the country, particularly in January and February where he spent a total of 25 days outside Somalia. He travelled less in 2014, spending a still high 79 days out of the country.
In an analysis of the President Hasan perpetual need for foreign trips Hirsi Ashkir wonders whether the funds utilized would have been better if directed towards impactful projects in the war-torn country- Continue Reading