Somaliland: The Experiment in Democracy-Documentary


Somalilandsun: This 57 minutes Documentary Somalilandnd: The Experiment in Democracy takes a close look at how democracy functions and how difficult it can be to popularize it as a governing ideology. Focusing on a 2012 election in Somaliland, the documentary could give an insight into why so many countries fail in their attempts to have a system based on popular representation.

Somaliland has been a defacto nation since withdrawing from its 1960 voluntary later turned fateful union with Somalia three decades ago.

The former British protectorate has since then struggled on its path to find international recognition while the rest of Somalia has become infamous for anarchy and violence.

While it is acknowledged as the most democratic country in the Horn of Africa region ,the  Somaliland democratisation process has been  a powderkeg of trouble.

As seen in the documentary, the difficulties to of running an election in an undeveloped country with a fragile infrastructure are vast. While threats from outside (including terrorism and piracy) and inside (such as factionalism and vote rigging) loom over the process, one man is tasked with keeping the election fair.