Somaliland and Somalia: Joint Market and Supply Chain Update, 03rd January — 10th January, 2021

Somaliland and Somalia: Joint Market and Supply Chain Update, 03rd January — 10th January, 2021

Crossborder between Ethiopia and Somaliland is normal,
supply of fruits,vegetables,khat is ongoing, and prices
remain the same for three weeks in a row except tomatoes
that increased slightly.

For instance, in Hargeisa, prices of potatoes, onions, garlic and carrots remained the same at 6,800 SLSH,6,800 SLSH, 8,800SLSH and 5,200SLSH respectively.

Tomatoes increased slightly by 5% from 6,100 to 6,400SLSH ($0.7) per Kg.In addition,watermelons are still out of stock in most markets in Somaliland.

Fuel prices remain the same for the last three weeks in a row in most markets and arel ow.Fori nstance in Hargeisa,diesel is currently trading at 4,000SL.SH and petrol5,000SLSH.per litre.

The exchange rate of local currency vs USD remains the same at 8,530SLSH per USD in most markets compared to last week.

In the Somalia administrative region of Puntland Government decision to scale up transferable amount in mobile money to a minimum of $10 per transaction is still on,however many traders are not happy with the decision hence may not solve the issue of Somali Shilling devaluation.
Banadir and Hirshabelle
•In Mogadishu, prices of fruit and vegetables decreased
Compared to last week. For instance,carrots,onions and green pepper decreased by–13%,-17%,-33% respectively. In addition,enough stocks are available in the markets.
In Buloburto, supply of imported food commodities is low due to increased insurgents(A.S) activities in the last two weeks restricting movement.

The Galmudug/Ethiopia crossborder trade is ongoing along the borders of Mudug and Galgaduud regions and goods are moving smoothly from both sides.

All supply corridors that connect Galkayo to all districts of Galmudug are accessible,no blockages reported and transport services are normal.

In Galkayo,prices of vegetables are increasing compared to last week. For instance,the prices of tomatoes increased from $1.0 to $1.2(20%) perKg.

South West
•In Hudur, scarcity of imported food items such as sugar, pasta, dates, and vegetable oil continues due to insecurity with retail prices for basic commodities increasing by between 7% to 25%. In addition fuel prices, both diesel and petrol increased from $2.2 to $2.4(9%) per litre.

In Wajid and Rabdhure prices of local cereals and imported
food items remain the same as last week but very expensive while ,fuel prices at $2.1 and $2.0 for diesel and petrol respectively per litre  due to scarcity.

In Baidoa retail prices of both local cereals and imported food items increased compared to last week. Commodities such as drybeans, wheat flour, pasta, sugar and dates increased by 6% to 30%,with dates recording the highest increment.

In Dhobley, the cost of vegetable oil and wheat flour has increased due to low supply from source markets. The Kenya-Somalia border points are also closed but there is a “gentleman” agreement to allow movement of commodities from both sides.

Operations in the port of Kismayo are normal and movement of commodities to the downstream markets is going on smoothly.

The Border between Belethawa, Dhobley (Somalia) and Mandera  (Kenya) remain closed. Read full report HERE