Somaliland: Sheffield County Assembly Overwhelmingly Recognizes Somaliland’s Sovereignty in Unprecedented Motion


Sheffield city council in session during the motion on the recognition of somaliland

By: Osman A.M.

HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – The Councilors from Sheffield County Assembly have on Wednesday 2nd April voted for the autonomy of Somaliland as an independent state signaling the British Government to spearhead in recognizing it on top of encouraging other states around the globe to follow suit.

This comes after a private motion tabled by Councilor Mohammad Maroof sailed through the house with 86 out of 88 votes casted in favor of the recognition with 1 abstaining while the other one opposing it altogether in the presence of cabinet delegation from Somaliland.

The outcome of the motion was welcomed by Somaliland Community in Sheffield in particular as well as those residing in Britain generally as the community now shift focus on how to bargain their share as a member state of the League of Nations.

Present during the historic vote were cabinet Ministers Hon. Mohamed Bihi Yonis(Foreign Affairs) Hon. Hussein Abdi Dualeh  (Energy) & the Speaker of the National Assembly Hon. Abdirahman M. Abdilahi who were playing an observatory role with no influence in voting.

The historic vote is the first to come out of a major city in continental Europe courtesy of organization & lobbying by Sheffield based Somaliland Community. Immediately after announcing the outcome of the vote supporters of Somaliland’s self determination and ultimate secession were seen jubilantly dancing in celebration of the region’s autonomy.

The move instigated by Sheffield County is likely good music to catch the ears of Somaliland population back home since the loss of their autonomy in July 1960 before regaining sovereignty albeit not recognized on 18th May 1991following 30 years of unequivocal fir distribution of powers as well as resources.

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