By: Yusuf M Hasan
Somalilandsun – The leader of the Khatumo secession movement Prof Ali Khalif Galayd is to visit the Somaliland town of Buhodle.
According to reliable sources the secessionists leaders’ visit is presumably to make a social call with his mother Asha Abdi Hiiray aged 100 years and a resident of Buhodle where she maintains a permanent residence that supplements others in the American diaspora.
“The real motive of the Galayd visit is to stir trouble among various Buhodle resident sub- clans of his Dulbhante clan that reconciled their differences and signed a pact to the same” said our sources who requested anonymity thus stay safe from repercussions by Prof Galayd a powerful warlord from the USA and member of the Somalia parliament in Mogadishu.
Since the Somaliland army drove Prof Galayd and his Khatumo secession aligned militias from Somaliland to exile in the Zone five Somali administrative region of Ethiopia during an operation that disrupted his supposed crowning as president of the mythical Khatumo state calm has been restored in the political restive Sool region where the Dulbhante clan predominate.
Since the aborted Galayd presidential swearing ceremony for at Sahdeer that led to his escape to the neighbouring Zone five early in the year the USA Citizen Warlord has not been able to return to the country and create mischief following his deportation by the Ethiopian government.Now that he is surely returning it remains to be seen what the reaction by the Somaliland government shall b, in lieu of the constitutional dictates that stipulate that a citizen who owes allegiance to the Somalia Federal Government is a traitor to be treated as such by law.
On the hand and despite his political allegiance and secessionist tenets it is humanely rightful that Prof Ali Khalif socialize with his mother whether she is ailing or not and in lieu of his influence within the restive region it is maybe advisable that the Somaliland authorities utilize this opportunity in parleying him.
In the recent past Somaliland born politicians opposed to their country’s separation from union with Somalia and resident in Mogadishu where they serve in various capacities have overtly made known their desire to return home.
This disillusionment with treatment by their SFG masters exemplified by the assassination of MP Yusuf Dirir Abdi can be traced to the political allegiance about-turn made by Ismail Buuba and proposed appointment of Prof Galayd as Speaker of parliament in Hargeisa thence entice the traitors in Mogadishu back to Somaliland.While most of the traitors serving the anti-Somaliland policies of the SFG are wash-outs whose whereabouts and political careers are of no consequence, enticing a few like Prof Galayd and Abdisamed Nageeye is worthwhile as pertains to eliminating from the Dulbhante and Gadabursi clans fronted Khatumo and Awdal states’ secession movements they lead respectively that include armed skirmishes with loss of life and injuries
According to Feisal Ali Karshe a resident of Buhodle currently practicing his journalism trade in Hargeisa is worthy for the government of Somaliland to take advantage of the prevailing situation that ensues with the Mogadishu induced disillusionments and parley the traitors with a view on having them roust back home.Meanwhile we at Somalilandsun pray for and wish a happy recovery to mama Asha Abdi Hiiray and a possible visit devoid of political brinkmanship by her son Prof Ali Khalif Galayd
Related must read
Somaliland: “Khatumoism Has Failed” acknowledges Prof Galaydh
Somaliland: “We are Ready for Talks with Hargeisa but Never Garowe”-Galayd