Somaliland: Ruling Kulmiye Party Holds 3rd National Congress


Delegates at the 3rd anual Kulmiye parry national conference

By: Latifa Yusuf Masai

HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – The much anticipated Kulmiye party national conference was officially kicked off at a Hargeisa hotel where 1,160 delegates representing various districts and regions of Somaliland were in attendance.

Also in attendance at the first day of the two days event in which the Somaliland president Ahmed Mahmud Silanyo was the key note speaker included the Vice present Abdirahman Abdilahi Sayli, Cabinet ministers, lawmakers, politicians and ordinary citizens who support the ruling party.

According to the chairman of the Kulmiye party 3rd delegates conference Abu-Bakr Hamuud Jibril his organizing committee has finally managed to accomplish the task mandated despite several failures of holding the conference.

The conference in which Hasan Gafadi announced withdrawal of his bid for election as the party’s first deputy chairman, two distinguished members of the party Ahmed Haji Ali Adami (Minister of Defence) and Dr Mohamed Abdilahi Omar (Commerce and International investment Minister) were honoured with selection as the chair and deputy chairpersons of the two days party conference.

Kulmiye party founder and president of Somaliland Ahmed Mahmud Silany arrives for the 3rd nationa conferene 

In his address to the conference the chairperson of the ruling party Col Muse Bihi who thanked the delegates for their commitment towards sustaining Kulmiye as he main political player in the country also warned the president of the Somalia administrative region of Puntland Abdiweli Gas of dire consequences upon infringement of the territorial integrity of this country as he Bihi, asked Gas, to desist from issuing threats towards Somaliland and act his words instead.

In is lengthily speech in which he revisited upon the various achievements of the ruling party which he founded President Silanyo said, “The Kulmiye party is committed to the implementation of its national development manifesto more specifically enhancement of security, strengthening peaceful co-existence and communal unity, multi-sectorial National development and maintaining our Sovereignty and independence of the nation”

President Silanyo who informed that despite the fact that the ruling party’s manifesto is an internal strategy it was drafted to sync with the constitution of the republic of Somaliland thus an all-encompassing national development strategy covering all sectors nationwide.

Said he, “During the 2010 presidential elections campaign we in Kulmiye pledged to change various aspects in the country thus transform the political scenery, economic management, good governance and direction in national development, and thanks to Allah we have managed to achieve and effect he changes pledged”

Among the areas said by president Silanyo to have been successful or in the process of makeover include

I. Enhanced quest of sovereignty recognition internationally and foreign policies.

II. Total independence to the judicial system

III. Maintain security and National defence

IV. Uplifting the capabilities within the educational n health sectors

V. Enhancing Crop and water production

VI. Environmental protection and livestock development

VII. Economic growth and support to enterprises

VIII. Availing new or rehabilitation of public infrastructures like offices, airports and roads

IX. Creation of employment opportunities for the youth.

X. Integration of minority clans into mainstream society though empowerment

XI. Establishment of closer relations with the Somaliland Diaspora

XII. Gender mainstreaming by empowering women through absorbing women to policy making posts at all levels nationwide among many.

Of all the above points the head of state who went on to give a complete breakdown of each conclude by promising the nation the fulfillment of all 2010 election campaign pledges he and his Kulmiye party made.

The Kulmiye third national delegate’s conference ends on 29th April 2014