Somaliland: Religious Affairs DG at Meeting with Sool Region Based Clerics


Ministry of religious affairs DG Sh Suleiman

By: Omar Mohamed Farah

HARGEISA-(Somalilandsun)- Sool regional governor Mustafa Abdi Esse, greeted to the Lasanod regional capital to the director general of Ministry of religion and endowment Sheikh Saleban Sa’id Ali, who is two day of working tour in Sool.

The director general has met religious leaders of Sool region during his working visit, and furtherly observed to the Islamic studied schools in Lasanod city.

“it’s great pleasure to me  that the DG of ministry of came Sool on working visit that he became the first sitting  Director General of Ministry of religion visited Lasanod,”said Sool governor.

Governor added as saying “Sool is key region for the Ministry of religion, the DG took a meeting to the religious elders of the region and they have discussed wide range issues about the role of the religious leaders in terms of security and maintaining the stability  so as to strengthen the cooperation between the Ministry and  religious men.”

On his part the director General Sheikh Saleban Sa’id Ali, noted that his tour is focused on the to create strong cooperation between his ministry and the religious elders of Somaliland’s eastern regions. He stated that he visited Togdher and Sarar regions which he held such  occasions’.

Governor of the Sool region of Somaliland Mustafa Abdi ShineThe combating of Islamic community is heavy sin during the holy month of Ramadan, said the director general of ministry of religion, and called on stopping fighting to the  deadly clashes between two local tribes occurred inDarkein-genyo village 70kms west of Lasanod town.