Somaliland: Puntland Official Arrested in Hargeisa


By: Yusuf M Hasan
HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – Police in Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland are holding for investigation the director General in the Puntland ministry of education

The DG from the Somalia administrative region of Puntland in the east of the country Ahmed Abdi Ali Shire ‘Ahmed Keysa’ was apprehended from a hotel where he had been lodging for a couple of days.
According to an immigration officer Ahmed Keysa who is currently undergoing investigations at CID headquarters was also found in possession of an unlicensed pistol which is a crime.
Sources indicate that information leading to the arrest of the illegal was availed police by a citizen from Sool region currently resident in Hargeisa who is reportedly a close relative.
This confinement of Ahmed Keysa who is originally from the Somaliland Sool region is in accord with the laws of the country that deem as traitor citizen owing allegiance to Somalia.