Somaliland: President Bihi Accepts Amb Awil Resignation from the Foreign Service

Somaliland: President Bihi Accepts Amb Awil Resignation from the Foreign Service
Amb Bashe resigns as deputy FM and Somaliland envoy to Kenya

Somalilandsun: In a matter of hours the government of Somaliland has had two deputy minister’s of foreign affairs and international cooperation.

This unprecedented situation came after a President Muse Bihi  major cabinet reshuffle that saw senior officials within his adminstration  axed and  replacements appointed.
While those affected by the Reshuffle include senior ministers,  central hank governor,  civil service and foreign service, of interest is the appointment of Somaliland’s envoy to Kenya Ambassador Bashe Awil H. Omar as deputy at the ministry of foreign affairs.
A few hours after the appointment Amb Bashe via his Facebook page announced his resignation as the deputy foreign affairs minister  and diplomatic envoy.

Somaliland: President Bihi Accepts Amb Awil Resignation from the Foreign Service
President Bihi streamlines his adminstration

A couple  hours later the somaliland presidential press service released a statement in which President Bihi  acknowledged receipt of  the resignation but also decreed appointment of Abdinassir Jama Omar Roble as new deputy minister foreign affairs

In his resignation Bashe who did not give tangible reasons for the Huff departure wrote that   change is the tradition of the government and thanked the Somaliland president for his co-operation and appointment,.
Ambassador Bashe who is son in law to immediate past president Mahmud Silanyo first served  as Somaliland”s representative in Dubai where he was deeply involved with DP world takeover of Berbera Port.
Amb Bashe served in the  United Arab Emirates until  13 August 2018 when the incoming  government of President Bihi transferred him to Kenya in the. Same capacity