Somalilandsun: Being a leader requires building unfailing, sustainable networks across the spectrum of the society, he or she is needs to know the whole country as the back of their hand and have network of friends scattered over the country and beyond argues Abdirahman Mohamed Dirye in a piece in which he compares a few Somalilanders leadership capacities in a piece titled Leadership VS Subordination published below in verbatim.
In the next paragraphs I will explore the differences between being politician or leader and being simply a minister once or twice hired and dumped like GF and whether being a minister makes someone a leader or statesman, less than four years, president Silanyo sacked dozen ministers of the same ethnicity without meeting any outcry never mind consequences! Now Silanyo is said about to kick Bihi Yonis out of the cabinet ministers, the last clean minister of Agabar, people who always claim to possess vital route food supplies of the nation.
In brief, being a leader requires building unfailing, sustainable networks across the spectrum of the society, he or she is needs to know the whole country as the back of their hand and have network of friends scattered over the country and beyond, that’s means once you are arrested your network you built at the time of freedom would take to streets denouncing your arbitrary arrest or unfair dismissal.
To put in context, Silanyo’s failed attempt to dislodge Speaker of Parliament triggered mountains of anger from over the country, people from Gar-adag were arrested in support of the Speaker, ruling party’s MPs from Awdal categorically refused to be part of the plot against the Speaker?
Do you think MPs from Awdal belong to the same ethnicity of the speaker? Tribally raped man and women can say probably yes. MPs from Saxil region like Roble were arrested because of his unconditional support for the Speaker.
And that’s classical example of how leader looks like, the UK nation divided over Margaret Thatcher’s corpse let alone her life. She was greatest leader of the UK in all times; many hates her, many others loves her up to death because of her far reaching policies.
Please take a time to respond to the ongoing assessement:
President’s Approval Rating Took Free-Fall
Other people living in the diaspora who never met the speaker in their lives wrote protest letters to the president to stop his illegal takeover of Parliament.
My point is that’s what a leader is all about, a man who has the support of the most of the people because he or she built unbreakable bond with them.President Silanyo fired Engineer, Boobe, men people thought to be heavyweight politicians who can change the political direction of their tribe but unfortunately they were simply ministers— hired clerics with no vision or leadership whatsoever! But my question is this: would Bihi’s anticipated removal have any impact on Kulmiye’s support in his home district or his home district is no man’s land?
Hamarji former governor of Togdheer though in early his forties less schooling Bihi Yonis has more influence than many old men of his district. Even the government felt bitter for his shift to new party. He can play the dirty ghetto game, Qaxo divide and rule policy, which president is notorious with.
Who’s Bihi Yonis?
Bihi Yonis was known outside than inside. But his name was heard locally when he bankrolled his cousin Ahmed Hussien chairmanship candidate of the Kulmiye when the party’s chairmanship reelection conference held in Ambassador Hotel whatever the year it was.
He poured Ahmed Hussien with cash to take over Silanyo’s chairmanship but foxy Silanyo outsmarted again by whispering in Muse Bihi’s ear ” adaan ku wataa ee in la aas inaadaarkaa!”.Ahmed Hussien though seventy years old, he never saw Buroa or Berbera but overheard to look for power like many of his nonstarter cousins did before.Shiekh Samale may not ever seen Dumbuluq never mind Berbera.
Saleban Nur of the Guurti prayed in the Stadium for political purposes to build network, and took the microphone to speak.
my piece is not mean to insult a tribe nor awaken sleeping ministers to make political touring in all regions but to reflect the reality on the ground and why some people get fired unnoticed while others ‘s dismissal led to the deaths.
Have you seen Hashi or Boobe’s writings causing storms in the country? Yusuf Gaboobe’s damning reports often leads to wild reaction from the government but they tolerate Boobe’s trite text running 34 articles or more.
I believe in if Sahra Halgan is arrested or threatened with arrest that would lead to disastrous protests from all over the country. Though she’s woman and new to the country, she made good name for herself but unfortunately her male cousins think Somaliland starts with Galjano and ends with Hero Awr! They live in that tiny cramped little world. They neither want to go Gar-adag nor Bali Gubadle unless they flee to it.
If you want to be a leader talk something taboo, injustices, and national overriding issues such the ongoing killings in eastern part of the country and possible invasion of Borame by Somaliland ragtag army because of mere pretext that a Sultan disseminated his people’s unaddressed grievances to the internet.Abdirahman Mohamed Dirye is a Somaliland activist and political commentator based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He is also Somaliland Monitor Blogger. Reach out to Dirye at