Somaliland National AIDS Commission (SOLNAC) Kick Starts HIV/AIDS Awareness Campaign in Schools


Somaliland National AIDS Commission (SOLNAC) Kick Starts HIV/AIDS Awareness Campaign in Schools

Somaliland National AIDS Commission (SOLNAC) kick started an awareness campaign against HIV/AIDS in schools . The program theme is Beware of the dangers of HIV/AIDS.

The HIV/AIDS awareness program began at Al Huda Secondary School in Hargeisa.

Director for public awareness and mobilisation Mr.Mohamed Haji Yassin of SOLNAC led the AIDS commission team that toured the school.

The SOLNAC officials informed the students the dangers of HIV/AIDS and measures to be taken to avoid getting the disease.

Students were warned against premarital sex which was forbidden in Islam. They were also informed about sharing of some personal items which may cause the spread of the disease.

Principal and staff of Al Huda Secondary School welcomes SOLNAC organisation to the institution.

Director of public awareness at SOLNAC said “HIV/AIDS can be acquired in normal circumstances such as through blood transfusions, and even in a marriage when one partner has the disease he can pass to his/her spouse. It is advisable in marriages couples to visit testing to ascertain their HIV status.”

He cautioned students to abstain from premarital sex and focus on their education.

By: Guled AbdiMahir