As Muse Behi tells the IC that Arming Somalia is tantamount to inviting insecurity in Somaliland and the Horn of Africa
While Eng Feisal Ali urges the IC to cool down its high horse on the Somaliland democratization process
By: Yusuf M Hasan
Somalilandsun- The planned beefing of the Somalia military by the international community might result with a negative impact on security within the Born of Africa region.
According to the ruling Kulmiye and Opposition UCID parties leaders and presidential candidates Muse Behi Abdi and Eng Feisal Ali Warabe respectively, decisions reached at the London conference on Somalia in which Somaliland was abstained should be implemented with the wider regional picture in mind.
In a press statement released by his office Kulmiye’s Muse Behi said contents of the final London conference on Somalia 2017 communique can not be translated as nothing else apart from intent towards destruction of Somaliland as a sovereign republic.
“From all the many words indicating planned support to Somalia as pertains to drought, refugees and IDP return and resettlement , economic and security development not a mention was made to Somaliland which is need of similar” said Muse Behi adding that none of the assembled global leaders even queried the absence of Somaliland at the conference.
On 11 May 2017, the UK hosted a major international conference in London, to accelerate progress on security sector reform, build on the international response to the ongoing drought and humanitarian crisis, and agree the new international partnership needed to keep Somalia on course for increased peace and prosperity by 2020.
The UK, the Federal Republic of Somalia, the United Nations and the African Union, co-chaired the London Conference on the future of Somalia on 11 May 2017. Forty-two friends and partners of Somalia attended.
Wondering on the audacity of Farmajo in pursuing military support and the international community in promising it, the ruling party chief queried the logic whose ultimate end is creating a military might in Somalia presumably with its ultimate end game being Somaliland
Reminiscing of the 1980s at of attrition perpetrated on Somaliland citizens and their property by forces loyal to late dictator Siyad Barre, the politician wondered how the international community can be hoodwinked by the young Farmajo whose only one burning desire is to complete what his late uncle Siyad Barre started, the elimination of Somalilanders
“As the IC pushes towards a strengthened military in Somalia hopefully they shall also be remembering the atrocities Siyad Barre forces committed against Somalilanders while utilizing weaponry supplied by the same IC in the 1980s and early 90s.
Read: UK Urge Somaliland Somalia Reconciliation and London Conference on Somalia final communique
“Mass graves of these era are being unearthed in Somaliland today and hopefully the IC shall come to its senses thus see to it that those killed then during the kill all but crows campaign shall be the last” said Muse Behi Reiterating the fear posed to Somaliland by the beefing up of the Somalia military Muse Behi who termed justification on war against Al-Shabaab militants as a lie said the actual target was his country, while stressing that such an act would not only see complete annihilation of Somalia but a Horn Africa region thrown open to insecurity by hence a perfect ground to breed global terrorism.
In conclusion the ruling Kulmiye party leader and presidential flag-bearer in the November elections in Somaliland urged caution within the international community as its desire for a stabilized Somalia might actually if done contrary to existing political realities me up worsening rather than correcting status.
Read and watch: Kill all but the Crows of Somaliland
According to UCID party chief Eng Feisal Ali Warabe the outcome of the London conference was not exclusive to Somalia thence those in control should see the wider picture.
“It is should not be misconstrued that Outcome of the London conference on Somaliland has nothing to do with Somaliland just because it was absent” said Eng Warabe stressing on the fact that final communique has everything to do with his country.
Read : Remains Unearthed from Siyad Barres Mass Graves Given Dignified Burial
Revisiting the democratization process which the U.K. Used as pretext to bar Somaliland from participating in the just concluded conference in London due to regular postponement of elections the UCID party boss said,
“For those unbelieving Thomases the ongoing voter cards issuance to registered voters should indicate that Somaliland citizens, government and political parties are pursuing conduct of presidential elections later in the Year” Stressing that the main obstacles to an earlier election date was the drought which not only decimated over 75% of livestock the economic mainstay of the country, internal displacement of hundreds of thousands and subsequent relief efforts Eng Feisal Ali Warabe said now that rains are reversing the drought effects presidential elections shall not only be conducted timely but fairly and transparently as well.