Somaliland: Khatumoists Optimistic of Successful Reconciliation


Khatumo chief Prof Ali Khalif Galayd leading a team of reconciliation negotiators with Somaliland disembarks at the Lasanod airport.

By: Yusuf M Hasan 

LASANOD (Somalilandsun) – A broad team of Khatumo Secession movement has for the first time landed at Lasanod airport under watchful eye of Somaliland officials.

The Khatumo team led by its chief Prof Ali Khalif Galayd which was accorded a warm welcome by Sool region residents and government officials participated in the just concluded of reconciliation talks with the Somaliland administration.
Hailing the official reception at the Lasanod airport as a result of peaceful reconciliation with Somaliland, Mohamed Sheikh Omar Hasan who is chief negotiator said that Phase III of talks in Djibouti ended with an eight points agreement.
“We are very happy to finally visit Lasanod and other parts of Somaliland freely” said the Khatumo chief negotiator adding that since the first face to face meeting in Addis Ababa Ethiopia a lot of milestone has been achieved by the two sides.
Revealing that the entire Khatumo movement was committed to successful talks with Somaliland government authorities Mohamed Sheikh Omar Hasan said stressed on the imperatives of a United stance by the Khatumoists thus give peaceful reconciliation a chance to fruition.
Reminiscing on the difficulties encountered by residents of Sool region which is the backbone of Khatumo support the now recanted secessionists said peace prevails as opposed to former deaths and injuries occasioned by skirmishes between Khatumo militias and Somaliland armed forces.
Said he, “Instead of fighting we are discussing development activities for our people”
The secession movement established in February 2012 aspires to a Khatumo state of Somalia presumably to be curved off parts of East Sanaag and entire Sool regions where Dhulbahante clan predominates.
In Hargeisa the state minister for foreign affairs Mihile Bogore who is part of the government negotiating team with the secessionist issued a statement detailing the eight points agreement reached during the just concluded Phase III of Khatumo Reconciliation talks in Djibouti.
According to minister Mihile the eight points agreed upon are :

1. For the government and Khatumo to jointly intervene and reconcile the warring Sool region Dhulbahante sub-clans of Baharsame and Qayaad
2. To jointly coordinate Drought alleviation and Development interventions in Sool Region

3. Jointly appeal to international and local organizations establish development and humanitarian activities in the entire Sool region now that hostilities have ceased.

4. Establish public services provision in Khatumo Controlled areas with peace building as priority

5 . Jointly act to deter persons or activities detrimental to successful reconciliation

6. Jointly pursue and implement traditional methods towards settlement of blood money ensuring from skirmishes between the two sides

7. Immediately establish a joint committee with mandate to organize venue and dates of next reconciliation meeting and

8. That trust between the two sides be the cornerstone of reconciliation

Prof Ali Khalif Galayd and Eng Feisal Ali Warabe share a light moment during Somaliland and Khatumo reconciliation talks in Djibouti The Somaliland Khatumo reconciliation talks started earlier in the year under mediation by the Ethiopian Federal government in Addis Ababa where the first face to face meet between Somaliland and Khatumo ensued with an eleven points agreement.
For reasons yet explained Djibouti has turned to be venue and mediator in the talks ultimate whose outcome might not be successfully implemented due to friction within the secession movement that has seen pro and anti reconciliation factional infighting.