Somaliland: Help UKIP Petition Great Britain to Recognize Somaliland


We the British people demand that our Government of this United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland formally recognise Somaliland as an independent nation state

Somalilandsun – The United Kingdom Independence Party asserts the right of self-determination for all nations. We believe that any nation has the right to strive for independence and democracy and become a full-fledged member of the brotherhood of nations. And that brings us to the issue at hand.

Somalia. What images does this word bring before your mind’s eye? I imagine “pirates” and “poor people” are amongst the first. And this is a great shame, for the Somali people have a rich culture worth so much more than our collective pity or, indeed, fear. And one example is that set by Somaliland. Somaliland, the former British colony which united with the rest of (Italian) Somalia in 1960, but which declared its independence in 1991. After almost twenty-five years of struggle, Somalilanders are busy building a vibrant democracy and free civil society. However, the fragile nature of the region means this project is not secure. And it is jeopardised terribly by the international community which stubbornly refuses to formally recognise Somaliland as an independent nation.

The United Kingdom, the former colonial power (note: of Somaliland, but not of the rest of Somalia), has a particular duty to foster democracy in the region and engender stability for Somaliland.

Therefore, we the British people demand that our Government of this United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland formally recognise Somaliland as an independent nation state

if you agree please sign here: The Recognise Somaliland Petition

Bryan A. J. Parry

About UKIP Ealing

The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP for short) is the British libertarian party. We believe in national democracy, localism, civil liberties, and the British government serving the interests of the British people. We’re not really right wing or left wing; that is an outmoded political notion. We believe in advancing and preserving British democracy. See our national website for more details: