Somaliland: Guurti’s Speaker Rebuts claims of Extending Presidential Term


Hon. Saleban Mohamud Adan

By: Osman
Hargeisa (Somalilandsun) – Talks on extending presidential term of office beyond the five years are baseless rumours with no concrete reasons as required constitutionally.
This was disclosed by the speaker of the upper house national assembly (Guurti) Hon. Suleiman Mahamud Adan days after the jetted back to the country.

Suleiman rubbished claims of elongating presidential tenure of the first term in office hinting that these are no reasons to warrant the extension as stipulated by the constitution.
The house of Elders speaker reasoned; “this is not the right time to discuss issues of extending presidential term. When left with a month before the election, and due to one reason or another we are unable to hold elections, then we can discus that”.
This was instigated by prior reports that the national electoral commission (NEC) sought for postponement elections citing reasons of non- camphene of adequate preparations especially voter registration process that is believed to go on for more than six months. Suleiman’s sentiments clear the rumors that the house of Elders was to debate on extending presidential term in office.
In defending Guurti’s non-involvement in arbitrating Suldan Wabar defiance, the speaker absolved the upper home from non- performance of its constitutional duties opining that it was not their mandate to mediate with a runaway communal head who is on the run.
Suldan Wabar has warned the state to be prepared in guerilla warfare before fleeing to mountainous terrain bordering Ethiopia.