“Somaliland is not a new Country and neither has it Seceded from Somalia” Mohamed Ahmed Mohamoud (Barawani),
Somaliland sun -International treaties such as the Somaliland-Anglo-French Treaty of 1888, the Somaliland-Anglo-Italian Treaty of 1891 and the Somaliland-Anglo-Ethiopian Treaty of 1897 clearly indicate the historical legal aspects and
Creation of Somaliland as an independent nation state. These international treaties were signed by the British Administrator on behalf of the Somaliland people, and prove that the legal basis for the Republic of Somaliland is irreversible.This was stated by Executive Director of the Somaliland Non State Actors Forum (SONSAF) Mohamed Ahmed Mohamoud (Barawani), as part of his discourse on the Somaliland quest for international recognition during an interview with Capital’s Tesfaye Getnet in Hargeisa
Adding further justification Barawani said “In Somaliland’s historical national constitutional
Referendum, 97 percent of the people voted for the sovereingty of their country proclaimed in 1991 thence dissolution of the Republic of Somalia formed in 1960 through a voluntary union with former Italian Somalia.
“The African Union having observed Somaliland’s political development and democratic credentials dispatched
fact-finding mission in 2005 whose reported singled out Somaliland’s case as unique in African
political history notwithstanding never ending provocations from Somalia which are all baseless and will never
undermine our political case for independence and self-determination” said Mohamed Ahmed Mohamoud (Barawani), To read full details click SEEKING RECOGNITION, Somaliland’s fight beyond Independence