Somaliland: Elections Conflict Resolution Talks Adjourned


Somaliland political parties squabbles over national cake control dates

By: Yusuf M Hasan
HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – The tripartite political parties’ talks hosted by the Somaliland government will resume on Monday.
This was announced by the Somaliland vice president Abdirahman Abdilahi Ismail ‘Sayli’ who is chairing the talks between ruling Kulmiye and opposition Wadani and UCID parties with intent to solve the political dispute related to postponed presidential and parliamentary elections.
Briefing the press after the closed door meeting at Ambassador Hotel in Hargeisa VP Sayli said the discussions of the day which proceeded as per agreed agenda shall resume again on Monday 25th May.
Stating that the dialogue was of national importance thence sufficient time required to thrash out differences in order to reach mutual agreement on the disputed election dates also stressed on the importance of non speculation within the citizenry.
On 11 May 2015, the Guurti, announced – apparently without consulting the National Electoral Commission (NEC), government or political parties – a two-year extension of the current government’s term, including a further postponement of the presidential and parliamentary elections due this June.
This decision taken by the Guurti as per its mandate bestowed by Article 83, paragraph 5 of the Somaliland constitutional with enactment only upon a security crisis sparked wide opposition countrywide that were exacerbated by international partners under the Somaliland Democratization steering committee thus prompting VP Sayli to invite the parties to the ongoing roundtable

VP Sayli press brieifng at Ambassador HotelThe VP call for dialogue slated for 20th May was accepted by the opposition UCID and Wadani parties and upon the country completing 24th anniversary of independence commemorating the meeting took off as planned at the Ambassador hotel where outcome from initial discussions was a mutually concurred agenda and agreement to meet again on the 23rd.

Though the VP was quick to negate any suggestions of an impasse after the latest meeting sources indicate the three parties are on very opposite poles as per when elections should be held with ruling Kulmiye supportive of the April 2017 set by the Guurti while UCID has only ears for the Nov 2016 suggested by the parties prior to Guurti’s decision while Wadani is adamant on the 1st June 2016 date proposed by the National Election Commission
While citizens were hopeful that the now adjourned meet would come up with a conclusive decision thus end the political dispute that is consuming valuable time and resource in addition to polarizing the nation, all eyes and ears are directed at the Ambassador hotel with crossed fingers and further hopes that come this Monday, the election dates dispute shall cease.